Anonymous6: This looks and sounds precisely like something the TT art staff and vocal talent would make over a dull weekend on a triple-dare, fuelled on Stoli, Peruvian flake, and Rockstar.
I'm still trying to find my jaw - it snapped right off its sockets and rolled somewhere under the fridge with the toast crumbs and dust kittens...
Everyone involved wins the Internet, cookies for life, and a rousing Spartanesque chorus of "MOAR, MOAAAAAAR!!"
Anonymous9: Ha ha! She "turned him on" by "pressing his button(s)".
Kay not funny.
Actually come to think about it a button for instant boner has got to be pretty inconvenient. I mean Cyborg doesn't wear clothes, if he bumps that thing on a table say at Madame DuFresne's mansion while invited over for tea and crumpets there's going to be some awkward explanations.
Anonymous10: anon7/8, because they hacked HIVE mainframe?
stupid fangeek, do I have to explain everything to you? get a clue.
anon9, you're just lucky he keeps it retracted at all times since he's naked! lol, but seriously I've never seen that button before, it was probably hidden behind a panel she revealed.
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Amazing. The ending with Starfire and Raven is hilarious.
I lol'd.
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I swear it's canon!
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Minus the trouble of downloading.~
I'm still trying to find my jaw - it snapped right off its sockets and rolled somewhere under the fridge with the toast crumbs and dust kittens...
Everyone involved wins the Internet, cookies for life, and a rousing Spartanesque chorus of "MOAR, MOAAAAAAR!!"
Why does the Security camera from HIVE Academy transpond to T-Tower?
Why does the Security camera from HIVE Academy transpond to T-Tower?
Also: 502 Bad Gareway
Kay not funny.
Actually come to think about it a button for instant boner has got to be pretty inconvenient. I mean Cyborg doesn't wear clothes, if he bumps that thing on a table say at Madame DuFresne's mansion while invited over for tea and crumpets there's going to be some awkward explanations.
stupid fangeek, do I have to explain everything to you? get a clue.
anon9, you're just lucky he keeps it retracted at all times since he's naked! lol, but seriously I've never seen that button before, it was probably hidden behind a panel she revealed.
Or is it?
Anon 6 that's because they're all audio clips from the show. Very well edited though.