Anonymous1: ..the fuck? The technology is impressive, but it's not quite there yet, and the result is fucking creepy. It's called the Uncanny Valley because it's the huge gulf that drops off JUST SHORT of perfect realism.
Anonymous2(1): @Kiyomi: Well yes, it IS impressive that they got Jinx's face to line up with the girl's face and emote realistically, but the blurring around the face makes it look like she has a separate face floating on top of her own. It's like only that part is out of focus. Need to sharpen it up, but that might end up making it look even less realistic- possibly putting a slight gaussian blur on the REST of the shot would make it blend in better.
Anonymous4: The tech actually is farther along than this. This is just what's in the hands of the more average of folks. Already your Nintendo 3DS had face recognition tech, and others on PC are using face rig for some fun facial animation CG bits which use to be really rough in earlier years. This is that rougher earlier version of what they're already using otherwise. Like when they put that guy's face from that movie that was so bad its hillarious where he's like 'I did not hit her! Oh hai Mark!' and put it on William Wallace's body to say the freedom speech. And as it is you've already seen a dead woman acting out her character in one of the last Star Wars film. This is simply something like Face Rig. It's pretty interesting how it matches up for now, but the higher end tech will get into the hands of your average user. It just takes a bit of time.
As it is though, its something they will still know how to look out for, and there will always be little tells.
Also it would have been better with the sound.
As it is though, its something they will still know how to look out for, and there will always be little tells.