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TagsBolt, Bolt_(character), Lonewolf, Mittens
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Info1000x635 // 378KB // jpg
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Fancy-Fancy: Who are the two other characters?
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Dagg: Fan characters.
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Anonymous1: Are the ones on top wearing condoms?
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Anonymous2: i am pretty sure the female fox is vixey from the fox and the hound
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deliciouscake: anon2, no... no she isn't...

also most fan-chars are pretty much failinserts. It's kinda like Yathzee says, you CAN replace the whipped cream with pickle, but why would you want to?
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Anonymous3: OMG!!!!11!1 FOXS aRNT PINk AnD BLU!1!!1 ThisS PERSN SuCKSS At AtR!!!1!1!
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Anonymous4: hey anon3 shut the fuck up it called art for a reasen shitead
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Furri-Fondler: yeah, if the artist wants a blue fox then he can have a blue fox, he looks cool.
look at disney they get flying elephants!?!
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evilpika: ^Trying to defend fursonas to anonymous? Really? All you're going to do is start a flamewar.
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Anonymous5: Hair dye in hell, fucking furries.
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Anonymous6: then why are you here anon 5?
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Anonymous7: These two characters are White (the blue one) and Kora (the pink one (or whatever color i should call it)) ... pretty much the worst persons i´ve ever met XD But that picture isn´t so bad
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Anonymous8: Anon 4 does not understand online sarcasm.

If you truely believe anyone who can access a computer can type that poorly...
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Anonymous9: Anon8, you cant use sarcasm online, unless you claim it as sarcasm, since text doenst have a personality, it always means it talks the truth
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Anonymous10: i have a boy frend is 2 timing after we had sex
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Anonymous11: Dear anon10. I don't understand half of your comment, but from what I DID understand, you have a boyfriend, which means you are either a girl or a homo. As we all know, according to rule 30, there are no girls on the Internet, which in turn mean you are a homo. That said I can get to the point: YOU SUCK COCK!!!!111
Regards yours truly Anon11
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Anonymous12: ^Thats hilarious
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Anonymous13: anon 11=win
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Anonymous14: bolt loveing mittens this pic is fucking awsome i love it
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Anonymous15: lol *blush*im wet
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Anonymous16: (sigh)
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Anonymous17: oh bolt
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Anonymous18: hehehe,,,,looks like anon 17 want bolt to yhis to night......but really......the blue fox is cool.....and every one are saying the wrong...(grabing a sniper and a militar shotgun..) WILL FIGTH WHIT ME!!!

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Anonymous19: Holy shit u guys realy love furry creatures
Who am I kidning I love it to and there iss nothing wrong with the colored foxes u racists
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Anonymous20: it toooooooooooooo awesomeeeeee
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Anonymous21: pink foxes face is kinda hot
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keesej583: Anom three art is not copying wats real.
Its makeing new
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Anonymous22: Disney decieving porn people and kids since the 1920s
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Anonymous23: Mittens is getting rapped BY A FOX the baby will be too big and kill her !!!!! And I ship bolt and mittens not bolt x slut and mittens x rapist

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