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Uploaderjustausername, avatar
TagsCoco, Code_Vein, RADracer
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Info2000x2106 // 2.5MB // jpg
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YGSEveryFriday: and here comes the fucking disgusting porn that no one wants. Talented artist. fucking gross though
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Anonymous1: This is actually a very common fetish that I and a lot of others share but that aside, I'm unsure why you clicked on this image if you think nipple sex is so gross, you made a conscious decision to look at this picture and felt the need to write something hateful towards the artist who, OBVIOUSLY puts time and effort into what they do and do it because that's their passion and you come along and just kinda shut all over them, dick move man, I hope it you ever take up art nobody comes and white on your stuff.
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Anonymous2(1): Shits* i'm on an Amazon tablet and have no clue how to turn off auto correct, send help.
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Anonymous3: @anon1: true that.
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Anonymous4: you need to rethink your entire life if you feel the need to get this goddamn defensive about shitty art by and for morons who think dicks can or should go in a nipple L M F A O. someones takin it a lil personally and getting defensive of their weird fetish! do you seriously care about nipple-fucking art being someones ~Passion~ and about their ~Effort~? its bad porn dude its not that deep its not somehow sacred and inherently worthy of respect. if you actually think this is a common fetish thats how you know youre in way, WAY too far into the bad internet porn spiral. accept that its impossible, incredibly weird, and largely hated, continue jacking off, and move on
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samuraiidiot: Weird stuff like this is part of the fun. Lighten up man.

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