Anonymous2: I did not find MGTOW until I was 16 years into marriage with three kids, two dogs, a mortgage and incredible debt. I was raised steadfast Christian religious and women were saints. I find out 16 years in, my wife cheated on me all throughout our engagement and early marriage. And then I find out she’s bad mouthing me with everyone in our neighborhood that I am a bad father. My three kids love me to tears and I have been counseling them to not marry. I am doing battle with their biology and I am giving it my all. They are all grown and gone now and I use my failure in life as an example to them of what NOT to do. Young men - hear me - focus on you, you are the prize. Your strong back, your wit, your intellect. You my good man, no matter your race or background - you, young man must stand for yourself because no one else will. You are worthy. Never let a female shame you. Walk away. Let them wither and die. All women are the same - without exception. For women, they 100% cheat - it’s just a matter of when and to what degree. I am too old and too in debt to break free... if I can do one good thing - it’s to have you hear my cry - my scream - do not marry, do not cohabitate and always remember how important you are to the human race, to civilization.
Fight young man, fight for you, fight for your brothers.
Fight young man, fight for you, fight for your brothers.