Anonymous4: i remember this one all that mystery valiant did was to add homers dick...better without it i think the first manipulation would have been better left alone!
stevepr: Marge's boobs or fine, and Lisa's hair is obviously dyed because nobody in the Simpsons family has blonde hair, and Lisa gets her natural hair colour from her Mum hence the blue pubes.
stevepr: Marge's boobs are fine, and Lisa's hair is obviously dyed because nobody in the Simpsons family has blonde hair, and Lisa gets her natural hair colour from her Mum hence the blue pubes.
Anonymous6: In the episode when they live in the 1800-ies style on a live TV show Marge says blue isn't her natural hair color. Then again, Simpsons are notorious for making tons of contradictions, so whatever..
Anonymous9: Depth perception on Lisa's outstretched leg is pretty good but since Lisa and Homers feet touch the ground at the same point Lisa just looks freakishly tall, and lets not talk about Marge.
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A wizard did it!