Anonymous1: this is fine but why do you treat raven like that? She is a Dc teenager compared to the Marvel Superhero Teenagers, they are supposed to be the same size. You'll have to change that size or else.
Anonymous2: @HornyGraphite: I mean, I don't say I don't like it, I really like it. I just tell you about Raven who is next to the girl. They were supposed to be the same size. Well, not all girls aren't the same size.
JaxRhapsody: Before they got Brook, Nico and Franky were the tallest Strawhats. Before the 2year time skip Sanji was 5'7. She is also third oldest behind Franky and Brook; Franky was 35 when they met and Brook was 70. The rest of them except Chopper were teenagers, Excludung Chopper again, Usop is the youngest.
-Jax Rhapsody
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Raven is 5ft 5in.
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-Jax Rhapsody