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TagsPichu, Pikachu, Porkyman, featured_image
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Info800x646 // 68KB // jpg
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Emagine: I am pretty sure this is a dupe.
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OmegaGenesis: As am I. :/
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Emagine: Yup! Its a dupe of 139588, but much larger in size. The other image has got a lot of fun comments. Don't know what to do.
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Anonymous1: MR Furry: oh lol

stopit: tits are showing, however should you fap to this i will hunt you down a tear off your penis.

MR Furry: the babys are pichus?

TheBeardedGentalman: HAWT!

anomalous: haha badass

TheBeardedGentalman: NO U ^

evilpika: Awww.
Also, if baby Pichu's are born with fur, wouldn't that make them more closely related to something like chinchillas, as opposed to mice, which they're supposed to be related to?

anomalous: ?

Jeb: Porkyman hatch from eggs

TheBeardedGentalman: As did you comrade..

evilpika: Jebs hatch from eggs!?

TheBeardedGentalman: exactly!

MR Furry: and looks like i did too

Fartacus: :O PUPPIES!

HamSandwich: Now this, gentlemen, is win.

MR Furry: also this need to be feature? i think

warrior: Stopit: gb2/Congo

MR Furry: source?

warrior: photoshop of real rabbits.

MR Furry: oh nice

Lurkerbunny: Pretty cute, actually.

An Onymous: ♥_♥

Fishysticksauce: its just so damn adorable

iminey: aww this is cute ; ^;

Master Troll-puter: Fap fap fap

MR Furry: i forgot eeeeeeeeek!

Anonymooose: i fapped imagining myself fucking all those little things like mini fleshlights

Eternal_Lurker_Frostflame: Anonymooose: LOL WUT?

Additionally, this should be posted to every /b/ on the interwebs IMMEDIATLY for great justice.

Anonymous1: Awwwww So cute

Rule34d: HA

Luci_the_Lucky: So...cute.

DaltonTrigger: Oh man, this is almost enough to make me swear off of Poke'pr0n forever!

... nah.

Anonymous2: This made it to agnph faster than I thought

Temeku: OH LOL

Gremrat: You're surfing a porn site and then you come across something like this.. XD

Anonymous3: i came

Cat Bountry: This is drawing a fine line between being adorable and being disgusting...

evilpika: And this picture stumbles back and forth across that line like a drunken Scotsman in a french maid's uniform.

Anonymous4: Awww this is so cute.


spectral: Awwww, isn't that cute?

nebula: this is sooo kooot! >_<

Almost makes me wanna mix a bag of insects I caught in my backyard in a blender with some cum I've been storing in the fridge, pour the mixture on my semi-erect cock, and slap those newborn pichus with it! ^_^

Anonymous5: lol wut?

Anonymous6: I like how the one suckling on the right looks like it's sucking off a penis.


Anonymous7: what the hell?

Anonymous8: arse, how lovely.

Anonymous9: This is not 34. This is just a cutefamily pic.

Anonymous10: pikachu irl

evilpika: The cuteness of this still gets me.

Anonymous11: feature

Anonymous12: ◎_◎

Anonymous13: ...what the FUCK.
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OmegaGenesis: ... Well, there's that question answered. Sort of. I thought doing that was frowned upon. :/
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evilpika: Really? I thought it was customary to do that if the older pic was to be deleted.
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Titanium: no, it's which ever is better quality
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OmegaGenesis: ... Guess I was wrong. Still no reason for it to be freakin' posted multiple times, though.
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Krawczyk: lol @ anon hiveminding
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Anonymous2: this isn´t porn...this is just...uh.... weird?
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SonofX51: Yeah, feature please.
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estoyloco: anon 1 it may not be porn but it has boobs showing
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Anonymous3: Neds more Nosepass.
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Kargo: i see that pikachu highly fuckable
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Anonymous4: Very realistic and adorable. :D
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Anonymous5: kTlhis is excellent, bot in concept, and, execution. B+, and, may I add, both, cute, and touching(Guess the old soul ISN'T as dead, and, gone, as I thought)!
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Anonymous7: Rule 34? They're just suckling on their mom..
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Anonymous8: one wonders how ppl can say wtf to this, when they are on a porn site that is home to some much stranger stuff far more deserving of wtf. so cute.
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Anonymous9: you r my mum i gust ur to blame you tender as roast beef and warm as pastramie dodadodode i wove my mommy sang the little pikachu's
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Titanium: FEATURED!

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Anonymous10: FIRST SINCE FEATURE!!!!!!
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Sonimon: Okay, okay. You don't have to yell. Jeez... All bold and shit... *mutters*
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Yo seriously though, I always wished Porkyman was real as a kid.... this is the most realistic Porkyman thing I've seen.....creepy lol
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Anonymous11: Yuo ever tasted a Pikachu's milk? It's shockingly good.
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SDDMN2: anon 10 shockingly clever pun mah man!
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Anonymous12: I haven't haven't seen such greatness since that nigel thornberry pic was featured.
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Swampstomper: wow
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Dagg: LOL I remember this pic.
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Yig: You and your discoverey channel features, Titanium
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Anonymous13: I mean how the hell is this PORN??? breastfeeding is not porn, I slap anyone who fap seeing breastfeeding
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: i hear these fuckers crawling around in my ceiling all night.
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Anonymous14: Anon12, on this site nipples/penis/vagina is considered porn. This has nipples. It also has a strange blend of mindfuck, cute, disgusting, and creepily realistic. Well done. And did anon8 just quote futurama?
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ZackG: very fucking nice on banning me from rule34. you guys are very very dumb. I have lost trust on all of you. I hope you all die
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Anonymous15: People please!!!

These are clearly machamps
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Anonymous16: If this is porn, then every picture of an animal breastfeeding its offspring is porn.

That said, it's pretty damn cute.
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Anonymous17: breast feeding is....... WINCEST
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Anonymous18: This is oddly adorable.
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iKami: I thought there was some big Porkyman news with this being featured. I am disappoint.
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Mudkip_Invasion: This image is a classic.
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kyle724: Fap?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Fappe qui peut.
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Titanium: BLOG UPDATE:
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duckpenisexpert: D'AWWWW!!! ^.^<3 This is lovely.
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Sodomius: Pigachu!
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SD40-2: Wich one is pikachu!?
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Anonymous19: daww
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Anonymous20: This isn't really 34, just odd.

Though I guess this is hot to somebody out there. Which is frankly pitiable.
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Anonymous21: That's... Not really porn.
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Chef_Retardee: Quaint.
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sgf: An average day at a Pikachu Farm.
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Anonymous22: cir5000: "What the duce!?"
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JWN926: Deuce. D-E-U-C-E. Deuce. Does I win spelling bee yet?
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Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: Fuck me. Whatever happened to the features that made me hurt myself? This is cute, dammit. I REFUTE IT.
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MaDrow: old
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Sir_Anon5: Realistic and still quite cute.
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Anonymous23: Old picture is old
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deivods: That is not porn? It's kinda cute :3
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johnny_awesome: Christ, I saw this like 7 years ago when I googled "Pikachu".
You childhood rapist. I'm calling the childhood police on your ass, Titanium.
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ReturnOfOctobot: Surely no one is fapping to this (though saying that, SOMEONE probably is)'s more cute than anything. :)
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Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: I submit that the Crossover tag is unneccessary, aswell. If people want specific crossovers, they search for the two tags they're looking for...
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LadyStardust: Dddaaaaaawwwwww! >.<; <3
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Anonymous24: I don't care if this isn't porn, and not even fappable.

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Krawczyk: Sure is making me hungry though. The sow-like pose is making me imagine a line of southern-styled Pikachu eateries. Mmmm. Want my babyback babyback babyback babyback ribs piiiiikachu sauce.
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ForcedUser: Sweet God have I wasted a bunch of time trying to tag Porkyman images with "Nintendo".

Oh well.
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Anonymous25: WHAT IS THIS I EVEN
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Anonymous26: Is ThatsAKoolStoryBro the only one here who can think straignt? Its not porn or cute its a fucking stew which noone has bothered their useless arses to stick in the pot yet.
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Anonymous27: I dont see how this could have ended up on this site, it's not porn but it is wonderful
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Beatstick: Yeah, ain't nothing pornographic here. This is art is what it is.
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GirlymaN: Yeah you do realize this is shite old right?
Any one who has not seen this at least once and is reacting is retarded.

i allso like how the pikachu is all ^3^
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CaptainAwesome: any and every possible person,creature,object or concept can and will be fapped too by someone somewhere.making it pornographic to them.thus,everything that has,is or ever will exist is porn.
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Anonymous28: what's sexual on this? a picachu mother is feeting her babys,when you mean this sexual,you are perved!
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Anonymous29: Before they changed it this was actually going to be the box art to that one Porkyman game years ago
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Anonymous30: lol biology
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Backwalk: Oh, sure! Everyone thinks this is cute, but when the sow Pikachu rolls over and crushes a few of her Pikachulettes, it won't be so cute!
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gabrilmanx: "A LA GRANDE LE PUSE CUKA"
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polop: cute and heartwarming sure... but NOT 34! I didn't come here for heart warming! I came here to pretend my childhood is being raped and fap to pics of Velma from scooby doo.
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traffik: polop, you're claiming 'not 34' on a pic that's been here since September '09, which replaced another version that was here long before that, and that has now been featured. I'm pretty sure the mods have already decided whether the pic deserves to be here or not.
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Titanium: POWYS - crossover is... borderline... it's only nominally useful.

traffik - NIPPLES! WOO!
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Anonymous31: No one else is gonna do it? Fine, it appears it's all up to me to fap. Don't say I don't love you fucks.
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Anonymous32: Yeah, this really isn't porn. I don't think I could fap to a picture of a woman breast feeding a child, much less this.
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mantinziza: .....................................

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broman88: child porn!
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Anonymous34: Awww....
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Anonymous35: Anon32 needs moar internet
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DemonGodBubbles: So...if all Pokemans is borns from eggs, meaning that theys is not supposed to be needing breastfeeding...why do milktanks has udders?
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duckpenisexpert: For Pina coladas and milk fights. ^.^
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HitodamaKyrie: You can't compare biology with Porkyman. A wizard did it. That is all.
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jiggermole: disturbing and cute all at the same time
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bestanonhere: They're learning thundersuck!
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Anonymous36: Just because you can fap to National Geographic doesn't make it porn.
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Anonymous37: There is at least ONE reason of porn here. The pikachu is obviously taking pleasure from the sucking like people can do as foreplay and during sex. There's your explanation(idiots)
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Anonymous38: inaccurate. this should be a raichu.
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Anonymous39: как мило !
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Anonymous40: Lol @all the comments
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Anonymous41: dude this more old than u mother
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Anonymous42: I came.
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Anonymous43(42): I came buckets.
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8o8: why titanium don't want people to tag pics with nintendo, sega, etc?
Im just curious.

btw i lol'd at the pic
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Anonymous44: More cute art than porn but I thumb up.
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JWN926: Because the Nintendo tag is way too big and pointless?

But if you wanna see something funny then tag Square-Enix.
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Anonymous45: egg birthdoes not mean they dont breastfeed
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Anonymous46: This pic. is as old as the first cumstain on my bedsheets.
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Anonymous47: im the only one who think this is just cutE?
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Anonymous48: Old.
Srsly u guys, wtf?
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Anonymous49: your all fucking retarded there is much fapping (myself not included) and much awwwwwww all of you stfu look at the pretty pic and either fap or adore the cuteness untill your head go play some robot unicorn attack
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Anonymous50: You ever see something that disturbs you deeply but somehow you can't look away from it....yeah.
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Anonymous51: Pikachu, use thunder shock now!
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Anonymous52: @DemonGodBubbles & HitodamaKyrie Go back to school NOW!,the Platypus lays eggs AND nurses it's young after they hatch.

@Anon48 you left a comment so using your logic you are retarded as well.
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Anonymous53: anon 33 I concur
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CAS5: Pikachu is a Fucking mammal like us you Dumb asses.
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masterofpirates: Oh man this makes me blow my wad
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Terrum: Pikachu is a pig.
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LadyStardust: @CAS5: Now that I think about it, don't all Porkyman lay eggs?
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TheAnt: D'awwww. There's nothing quite as beautiful and disgusting as parenting.
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Anonymous54: not porn
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Anonymous55: huh. a Pigachu. Nice pun.
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Anonymous56: Uhm. Moron, much, Anon51? I'm not talking about fucking eggs. I'm talking about Porkyman. Who gives a shit about fucking eggs?

I'm talking about the evolution of Porkyman in general.
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Anonymous57(56): Logged me out again, eh?
Screw it. I'm too lazy.
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I am looking forward to the new Snooki 34 pics from South Park. Smoosh Smoosh!

>>537335 it's right here
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Anonymous58: lol no porn here just a regular mircle of nature =/
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O_Rly: I don't think we've ever had such a cute feature before. :3
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Anonymous59: Aww they're so cute, yet nasty.
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Anonymous60: Wow! I see mother and children!
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Anonymous61(16): Nothing stopping them from needing to be breastfed even if they hatch from eggs. There's a rare type of mammal that lays eggs and produces milk, called a Monotreme. Porkyman could have similar biology.
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Anonymous62: what is this faggotry
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Anonymous63: What I am about to write is what I firmly believe will happen. I have been told NOT to write this, but against all measures I have decided to put it out there hoping the right people will read it. I am not any prophet or anything special and I do not claim anything divine or having 'magical powers'. And I am not claiming to be the Antichrist or any such fictional character. But I am in contact with extraterrestrials on a regular basis and this is what they predict will happen soon.

1) The market will crash on October 20th 2010.
2) Obama will be the last president of the USA.
3) Sometime in November 2010 the war with Iran will begin. Nuclear weapons will be used after the first invasion fails completely.
4) China will anticipate the USA selling its gold bullion and will respond in a pre-emptive manner and drive the price of gold down. Preventing the USA from making any emergency recovery.
This will lead the world into WW3.

This is no troll, this will happen and you better be fucking prepared.
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Anonymous64: Most adorable feature ever. Not sure why it's here since it's
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Well, I've heard of reading tea leaves and entrails. Given what this site is, this is my first time seeing some guy prophesy with his penis. Excellent one-member typing, by the way.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: You know: hunt-n-pecker.
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Anonymous65: Error 434: Porn Not Found.
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Anonymous66: Pigachu used Milk Drink!
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TheSentryMaker: Well don't that beat off.
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Anonymous67: if you find porn in this picture you're one very very sad person :D
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Woozle: It's too cute to be porn, really.
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Anonymous68: that are not breasts...
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CaptainAwesome: @anon62:
lol, i will laugh at you when that doesn' happen.
just as i will laugh at the 2012ers 1st of january 2013.

please facilitate your demise from our planet.
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Anonymous70: Iwould. All over their teeth.
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Anonymous71: Woah, Up to Anon70 (71 including mee) and counting, this became a quite popular picture o.o
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Anonymous72: where's rat poison when you need it?
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Anonymous73: This is the oddest thing i have EVER seen.
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Anonymous74: B3wbz=/=Pr0n. Not automatically.
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Anonymous75: 8o8 thing why? Why? Why would you want to, that thing looked like a fucking mutated kangaroo. But that epidode was funny though.
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Anonymous76: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Raichu is supposed to be nursing here, because it's the adult version of Pikachu! By the way, the babies are cute, though.
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Anonymous77: Anon38 and Anon76 go die you don't have to evolve pikachu to breed it dipshits
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Anonymous78: How cute ^^
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Anonymous79: >don't know a shitty fact about imaginary videogame characters
>have to die

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Anonymous80: This image is win.
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Anonymous81: This is...... cute, acctually.......

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