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UploaderZeroXDash, avatar
TagsOola, Real_Doll, Star_Wars, Twi'lek, inanimate
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Info1798x1600 // 680KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: >>305226 without the last pic
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Weasil: holy shit
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Hartman: What's that?
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Anonymous2: a RealDoll done up like the Twilek Oola from movie #6... the real actress (Femi Talor) actually redid the scenes in Jabba's castle 14 years after the original.
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Anonymous3: a realdoll? I thought it was a cosplayer
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Anonymous4: A real doll already costs like $6000. What absurd price is something like this going to cost?
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Anonymous5: wow..... just... wow..
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Anonymous6: wtf?
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Anonymous7: DO WANT
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Anonymous8: The lack of joints in her fingers is just...
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Anonymous9: Ladies and Gents, I present to you the highest point in creepy nerdom.

Though I'd be lying if I'd say I didn't want one.
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Anonymous10: Can't say this thought didn't pop into my head when I first saw realdolls, heh.
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Anonymous11: In Japan this is sort of common, only the dolls are made or dressed up as popular anime characters e.g. Rei Ayanami.
And since they cost a lot they are usually reneted rather than bought.
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Anonymous12: My ideal Christmas present...
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Crazay_Horse: But is it fuckable?
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Anonymous13: Rented? Augh!
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Anonymous15: sexy very sexy i will be have
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Anonymous16: Looks like an alien version of Bille Piper....
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Anonymous17: Looks like they dyed the skin and added the lekku as a hat thing, you can see the seam in pic 3.

Pretty good mod work if so.
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Anonymous18: Wow i buy it for 300$ it d hot
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Anonymous19: Crazay_Horse, yes it is fuckable
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duckpenisexpert: These dolls are HELLA expensive but well worth the profit. 3k or something like that....
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Krawczyk: Selene: I've seen these on HBO. Of course they weren't themed like this one.
Anonymous1: Goddamnit, I Realdoll figured out the one way to get me to even consider buying something like this. Goddamnit.
Anonymous2: I seriously wonder what kind of person would commission this thing.

Apart from George Lucas, obviously.
ReaperNull: Every 40-year-old fat guy living in a basement?
Anonymous3: Interesting - first of its tag.
Anonymous4: Wow you mean everyone that's ever visited this site will commission one?
Parkmasturbater: After seeing this I did some research... Regular full body dolls cost $6500... the torsos alone cost $1100... so think if you had to have one custom made it would cost OVER $9000!!!
Anonymous5: Over $9000? D:
biggerstaff: WHAT? 9000?
Bomber64: Ah ha ha ha, so lonely, but seriously, what the hell?
Anonymous6: It's probably just a normal realdoll, painted green, and wearing Lekku (the things on it's head). Nothing special.
Snorkpork: Blue is better, as long as she comes with interchangable heads for Twilek, Asari and Nightelf. theyd make a killing in the nerd market.
Piltdown: If I were to throw away over $9k on a Twi'lek Realdoll, I sure as hell would want them to buff out the goddamn seams.
Barneh: I'd buy it. The way it stares into my soul is creepy as hell. But hey, I'm fucking a Twi'lek.
Melynx: I think Snorkpork is onto something...
Anonymous7: I used to work next door to the place that makes these and never knew it until one day when I was driving past the loading dock and I could see inside their warehouse, and I was like 'Those are some fuckin' weird looking mannequins...'

I kinda wanna drive over there now and ask them how they made the tendrils.
boyfromvalley: Strangely enough, in Japan this is sort of common. The dolls out there are made and dressed up to resemble popular anime characters. I remember seeing one version of Rei Ayanami from Evangelion.

Also because of how expensive they are, business and profit is mostly made by renting them rather selling them.
TiredAnon: ...I'm totally in favor of a line of sextoys themed on sci-fi and fantasy.
markusg: genius!!!
Anonymous8: Snorkpork

You are on to something but why stop there?

Blue can come with interchangeable heads for Twilek, Asari and Delvian.

Green can be twilek, orion, and poison ivy form batman.

Red can be twilek, purgatori, and zeltron
Anonymous9: "Also because of how expensive they are, business and profit is mostly made by renting them rather selling them."

Disturbing quote is disturbing
VicariousReality: What in god's name do they cost ovar 9000 for, i'd pay at most $450 for a custom one
Anonymous10: Realdoll: because it's the only way you'll ever bang a twi'lek.
Anonymous11: id grab her tendrils while i fuck her from behind
Kreller: I love that panel on the lower right.

It's like even the doll doesn't want to get fucked by the nerd.
Anonymous12: i would so want one if it was of obi wan or qui gon, dammit!!!
Shock Headed Penor: She's probably full of dried bees.
Anonymous13: at first i thought she is real lol
Anonymous14: is it just a doll or does it have fuckable parts like a sex doll?
Anonymous15: Slayer of boners, Uncanny Valley be thy name...
Darke: I'd fuck it.
Anonymous16: Oh, for Christsakes!!

If you have the money to afford a Real Doll, then why not just buy a 'oola' outfit then find a hooker willing to do the wild thing in it (and liberal green body paint).

I was watching some show where some Star Wars geek did just that, although he had the call girl dress up as a Stormtrooper!?!?
Hartman: Over $9000? That still is cheaper than a real woman. :-O
Anonymous34: Oh wow!
Anonymous17: Yes, yes, yes. I know what I'm getting now.
Anonymous18: Can't say this thought didn't cross my mind when I first saw realdolls, heh.
Anonymous19: if anyone can afford a realdoll, please give me some money (not for a realdoll, for food! I'm nearly homeless here!) I need money!! HELP!!!
Anonymous20: then how the fuck can you afford internet?
Anonymous21: Real Doll would be smart to start making more sci fi and some fantasy dolls. I'd defentily think about buying an Orc (WOW) real doll.
Krawczyk: Spoilarz: Anon19 is Allan
anon21: copyright nonsense, although Star Wars has been around long enough that individual character copyright may have lapsed, so that you might get away with having two separate business selling in the same market, one with the headdresses and one with the bodies.
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Krawczyk: Didn't realise there were two of these when I responded to the other :3
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Anonymous20: i want one!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous21: Don't we all want one?

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