Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderCannon_Mouse, September 12, 2009; 07:01TagsMaxwell, NeoGAF, Robosaur, Scribblenauts, animated, logoSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo258x388 // 22KB // gif September 12, 2009; 07:53 - Reply MolesterOfPokemans: I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen. September 12, 2009; 08:04 - Reply evilpika: XD September 12, 2009; 08:09 - Reply ErestiVerin: I love the completely blank expression on his face... September 12, 2009; 08:13 - Reply Anonymous1: I dunno' man, robot-t-rex is pretty hot September 12, 2009; 15:34 - Reply Ultran: Oh my dear God.. September 13, 2009; 09:16 - Reply ErestiVerin: ………………………………………………………„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„ …………………………………….„-^*''::::::::::„„„-~-„„~-*-„„-^*~~-„„ ………………………………..„-^*''::::„„„-::::„„-~~-„„::~-„„::::/:::-~^:*^-„ …………………………….„-*':::::::::„-^*::-„„:::~-„„::-„:\:::\:/::„„„„-~:::::'\ ………………………….../::::::::„-~^^::::^~-„:*-„::\::|:„-*-„/„:::::::::::„„-::'\ …………………………../::::::::/::-~~-„„::-„::'\::|„„-*' . . . . *-„::::„„„-~^:::| ………………………….|::::::::~~-„„____„„„-~^* . . . . . . . . *-„:::::::-„\:| ………………………….|:::::„-^*''¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'\::::^-„:-„\ ………………………….|::::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|::::~-„„:'| …………………………..\:::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \:::~-„„„:| ……………………………\::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\:::::::„-'„ …………………………….*-| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-~~~~-„„ . . .'\::::/ /''\'\ ……………………………...-| . „„-~~~~-„ . . . . „-*„-^*''o¯¯'''''*' . . . \:/ / . | | ……………………………...'\| .*^^*'''¯o¯'''*-„ . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . | .\*-„ '| …………………………….....| . *^~~-~^*'' .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| ./-~./ ……………………………….\'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| . . /' ………………………………...| . . . . . . .„- ' . . . .*^„ . . . . . . . . . . '|*^*' I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline OT.. …………………………………*-„ . . . . . \„-„„_„„-^^-* . . . . . . . . . . .'| ........Why don't you have a seat over there ……………………………………\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| and b_haive …………………………………….'\ . . . „„_„„-~--~^*''''''. . . . . . . . . / .\ ……………………………………...\ . . . .''*^~~~^^* . . . . . . . . . '/ . . \-„-„ ……………………………………….''-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .„-* . . . | . \''*-„„ ………………………………………….*-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-^'' . . . . / . . 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September 29, 2009; 18:03 - Reply Anonymous3: LOL :D October 11, 2009; 02:58 - Reply Anonymous4: that orb is the symble for some website or something called noegaf April 8, 2010; 17:37 - Reply beeto45: loled 5 min October 18, 2010; 07:18 - Reply Anonymous5: its a gaf December 11, 2010; 18:38 - Reply Anonymous6: want with ninja shark December 23, 2011; 07:26 - Reply Anonymous7: nice trick with sprite animations :P thats also kinda funny sucks since its censored PS: whoever said symble its actually spelled symbol :P August 10, 2012; 05:02 - Reply Anonymous8: I know how too do this, ridable marble, roll to that position, robot t-rex, get it mad, their u go! October 18, 2013; 13:20 - Reply DextarClaw9: That mechanic t-rex was called Robosaur... October 21, 2013; 02:56 - Reply Anonymous9: i love how everyone doesnt see that be ass "comment" that has a man in it February 23, 2015; 16:15 - Reply Shedy: Lol, I love that game. Report an ad?
- Reply
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