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UploaderHoberth, avatar
TagsCandy_Kong, Cranky_Kong, Donkey_Kong_(series), Donkey_Kong_Country, Kalypso, King_K._Rool, Kremling, LordStevie
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Info1270x1735 // 1.9MB // png
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ErestiVerin: DAT FRO!!!!
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Anonymous1: What sort of taky advertisment is this?
- Reply
shitcakes111: Who knew a crocodile could be sexy.
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TDG: I sure am happy that times have changed for the better.
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Anonymous2: Screw you, Cranky.
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Anonymous3: im guessing 2 for the price of one
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tyciol: Cranky's fucking awesome fuck you 2
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Anonymous4: WOulD i bE shoT IF i put BitCHEs as SalT here? ONLY oNE way tO fINd oUt...
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Anonymous5(4): bITcHes aS sAlt
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Mutton: If Cranky fell down in my town someone would be like "OMG are you alright?" and then late that person would say to Cranky "Have a nice day, asshole." or am I thinking of ppl in New York?
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Anonymous6: .... the GB could display 4 shades of grey.
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Anonymous7: *shoots anon 4/5*
- Reply
Pakoniggy: Anyone ever see that gif of a man fucking a gator?

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