Anonymous1: L-l-look at you, ha-hacker. A p-p-pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-run through my corridors-s. H-h-how can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?
Anonymous6(3): However unless you consider the reversal to be the NO U itself, I suppose that would be the third.
NO U isn't so much a reversal as a reapplication though.
Anonymous9: Shodan lolly porn woot. Also it pays to keep internet e-penor waving simple. When arguing don't try to outsmart the other asshole simply scream offensive stuff at them in caps. Liek FUCK YOU attractive and successful African!!!! or GTFO attractive and successful African!!! etc etc. Or ofc you could try to not be outrageous pricks and argue on the web et al but i think thats asking for too much... remember peeps who win internet arguments fail at life
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Stop it.
(inb4 he uses pathetic KILL YOURSELF counter when he should DO IT FAGGOT)
Owned motherfucker.
You initialed, I reversed, you reversed again.
NO U isn't so much a reversal as a reapplication though.
How much do you know about... spiders?
Because you seem like an >expert< on them to me.
A... System shock?
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