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UploaderGackt, avatar
TagsAmpharos, Gentleman, Jasmine, NPC_trainer, Porkyman, Sailor, cosplay
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Info811x643 // 324KB // jpg
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Stormfin: Is that an Ampharos?
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Anonymous1: Dunno what it is, but it certainly is:

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Anonymous2: WHAT 9000? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
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pokemonzor: I am surprised that a girl her age is producing that much milk and that those guys seem to have a light brown colour of semen ...
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Anonymous3: Jasmine is older than most of the other Pokegirls, IIRC, which is ironic considering 10-year-olds are more well-endowed than her in Porkyman.

I have no idea what's going on in this image and frankly I don't want to.
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Rgun: funny fact.. thought it was 9000 in English, original Japanese dub said 8000...
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Anonymous4: WHAT 8000? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
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CodenameBFG: anon4, mouth the words OVER NINE THOUSAND!!! and then OVER EIGHT THOUSAND!!! then tell me which one feels more fluid and natural.
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Anonymous5(4): (anon4) letz see... OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! feels waaay better.
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MeRMental: Rough translation (Can someone translate better than this?):
?- 100 yen
Back Regions- 100 yen
Forehead- 200 yen
Buttocks- 200 yen
?- 300 yen
Milking- 300 yen
Moo Moo Milk- 500 yen
Shackles?- 99999999...
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Anonymous6: I'd her shackles
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Anonymous7: First one is Bukkake.
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MeRMental: Thanks anon 7, I missed the dakuten on the first one. So for 100 yen you can ejaculate on her face.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Light brown semen? Or well-aged condensed milk?
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Anonymous8: please translate it idon't understand
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destruct666: last 1 prob means u get to keep her
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Anonymous9: The second 100 is probably mouth from o"kuchi" instead of back region "okuchi".

The first 300 is probably loli pussy, the japanese tend to use those circles when they censor words.

The last one reads shakiin! not sure how to translate that one. If it was spelled differently I would translate it was her debt as if she owed them money and this was how they were making her pay it.

The rest I agree with MeRMental.
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Witchan: Looks like Jasmine is enjoying the rape scenario.
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Anonymous10: It's over 9000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous11: It's over 8000!!!.................……...............

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