Anonymous2: Spy: May I borrow your earpiece Miss Pauling? Ziss is Scout Rainbows make me cry over.
Scout: Go to Hell spy!
Spy Snot hahahahahhahahha snot hahahahahah snot hahahhahahaa.
Spy: Now Miss Pauling where we were we?
Miss Pauling: Going to get down on your Eiffel Towers dats what.
Spy: Clever girl I hope Scout's mother doesn't find out about zis?
TF2 Dominated sound plays Scout & Scout's mom gets cucked.
Scout: Go to Hell spy!
Spy Snot hahahahahhahahha snot hahahahahah snot hahahhahahaa.
Spy: Now Miss Pauling where we were we?
Miss Pauling: Going to get down on your Eiffel Towers dats what.
Spy: Clever girl I hope Scout's mother doesn't find out about zis?
TF2 Dominated sound plays Scout & Scout's mom gets cucked.