Linneus: I'm about to rage at the amount of noobs here. That is not Ash, it's Red. Red has nothing to do with Misty's bike. And that is not HG/SS. Misty's been like that since the original G/S/C! And just because I'm angry, THERE'S NO APOSTROPHE IN "gets", CRAWLINGCHAOS.
Anonymous4: you realize red is ash right linneus? just like the female trainer from g/s is may and the female trainer from d/p is dawn.. there based off chars in the games and always have been. so don't be so quick to throw the N word...peace
Anonymous5: @Anon3: Just because Ash is based off of Red doesn't mean Ash is Red. They both have different story lines especially in the manga. Please go educate yourself you poor, poor fool.
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