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Anonymous1: Ariel really is a weak bitch, considering the small Mowgli will easily carry out his mission of raping and murdering her. Pretty hot that she'll meet her end that way. Good for Mowgli!
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Anonymous2: And they were getting so well, in so many other pictures.
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Anonymous3: Anonymous 1, Wanker !
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Anonymous4: They need to just delete every arabatos pic from the website! This bullshit is like cancer! And since most of it is two-bit crap like this, it won't be much of a loss
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Anonymous5(3): He grabs her by the tits, and she's speaking underwater ? Someone needs to make their mind up.
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Anonymous6(3): Also, that's not Mowgli. That's Marco Diaz in a 'Mowgli' skinsuit.
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Anonymous7(3): Die Mowgli, DIE !