Anonymous7: You can tell Anon2 is one of fucked up fangirls that shlick to weird shit. They either look down on real men or see something like Bowser as attractive. Scratch that, Anon2 is probably one of those fat furry bitches.
Anonymous13(1): Actually, I was merely stating my opinion based on the facts. Peach gets captured constantly, never fights getting captured, doesn't stay uncaptured for long, and Mario does everything in his power to make her happy like a tool who's constantly stuck in the friend zone. Kinda like Anon 7.
Anonymous16: If i had to choose between Mario and Bowser, i would choose to get captured and suffer stockholm syndrome. Bowser of course! Who really mentally stable would fuck old plumber, when other offer could be sexy turtle/dragon creature.
His name IRL's Diego Alves Holanda, works at IMPARH.
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You don't have to be a furfag to know it's true.
Besides, Bowser is not the cleverest turtle so he will be easy to manipulate for your own needs.