Katsutomai: Hey! Where's the other one? They're missing a healer/dps/tank! No wonder they wiped.. Tho if all wipes were like that I'd find myself wiping my groups on purpose just to watch that!
Anonymous17: "Heroics are such a joke now, let's run them naked!"
"Where do we start?"
"How about the one with the snakes, goo monster, and big tongued gorloc?"
"What could possibly go wrong?"
Anonymous35: Let this be a lesson to you all.
If your tank cant hold aggro, your fucked.
But if your healer cant heal your going to get raped.
this was the healers fault, for not Buffing.
Anonymous38: i Rly likes this guys art :p he has the theet thing that i like, if you watch evry 1 mouth youll see a lil sharp thoot, i dunno why, but it sorta completes the girl :p i find it atractive... somehow... >_>
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Buckets... that is all
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"Where do we start?"
"How about the one with the snakes, goo monster, and big tongued gorloc?"
"What could possibly go wrong?"
- Reply
If your tank cant hold aggro, your fucked.
But if your healer cant heal your going to get raped.
this was the healers fault, for not Buffing.