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TagsAlistair_Theirin, Dragon_Age, Dragon_Age_Origins, Dwarf, Golem, Grey_Warden, Leliana, Mabari, Morrigan, Oghren, Shale, Sten, Wynne, elf, qunari
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Info1024x768 // 86KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Look! A man in a SKIRT! Aaaaaaahahaha!

I'm so gonna make a webcomic out of that.
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Hadoken: is that the same dwarf from Redcliffe, or am I wrong?
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ChopstickForge: You get him in Ozammar.
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ChopstickForge: You know what? Fuck it, I'm gonna label them all, just so there is a tag.
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icame: Shale and dog is nakid =O
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venom: why morrigan? why?
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nagger: Shitty edit after shitty edit.

When are we gonna get some proper art?
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DragonShade44: I guess not a lot of gamers can draw well, I know I sure as hell can't. Hell, I'll take some proper Photoshop work.
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Anonymous2: Why no Leliana?
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Anonymous3: cause leliana is french
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Anonymous4: 'Cause Morrigan's hotter. ^
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Anonymous5(4): I demand more rule 34 of Wynne.
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Anonymous6: We need some proper 34's. You know, things that make you actually freak out. Like...a darkspawn orgy with the Broodmother.
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Anonymous7: The first thing I noticed was Alistair wearing Duncan's armor, then I wondered where I could get it. Then I felt dirty...
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Anonymous8: lol at #7
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Anonymous9: Duncan's armor I think is actually the Dalish Leather Armor. Easy to make with the Winter Forge mod.
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Anonymous10: me wants some oghren already!
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Anonymous11: Morrigan actually looks hot in this.
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Anonymous12: morrigan is damn hot
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Vorin: I just killed Wynne and somehow kicked French chick out of my party.

I think I fucked up pretty hard.
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Anonymous13: anyone else feel the urge to fuck shale up her ass or is it just me?
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Anonymous14: lol at Vorin.

What the hell armor is the Warden wearing? It' looks awesome. And please don't tell me it's something you have to download.
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Anonymous15: It's from the warden's keep DLC. So YES something you have to pay money for and download(or pirate)
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Anonymous16(14): Damn!

I don't have high speed internet. I was able to download Blood Dragon armor, but Warden's Keep, Shale, and Return to Ostagar are to big to download.

Anyways, thanks for letting me know.
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Anonymous17: i got warden's keep on xbox, but i not found that armour :( i found the sword tho.... back to the porn....
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Anonymous18: its just me, or the dog is triyng to look at morrigan's breast
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Anonymous19: arse no,its just you anon 13
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Anonymous20: is the warden a warrior?
i just wanna kno cuz it looks awesome
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Anonymous21: @anon6 WTF i almost puked when i read your comment
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Anonymous22: @anon20 well seeing as shes has a duelsword she prolly is
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Anonymous23: Is it me or does the warden have a 2hand sword and have another weapon? Did they mod that?
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Anonymous24: One chick with her top off... and that makes it porn. I say ban 3d renders from video games.
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Anonymous25(23): @anon21 I puked as soon as I read that comment, in fact I'm still puking
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Anonymous26: Well, this Grey Warden must not have had anything to do with that shit Zevran was pulling haha.

R.I.P., Zevran ^ ~
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Anonymous27: One of these things is not like the other, now who can guess what that is?
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Anonymous28: @anon27 you mean like the fact Alistair is wearing a skirt?
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Anonymous29: Anon23, a properly leveled character with two-handed fighting can have a two handed weapon in each hand with only minor penalties to hit (which are mostly negated if you're a rouge.)
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Anonymous30: @29, no, they get a full-size one-handed weapon in each - this Warden appears to be main-handing a greatsword & off-handing a longsword or dagger. So prolly modded.

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