Anonymous7: Roge alweys have the bigest tittys of all the sonic girl xD she is soooo sexey i am going to get my girlefrend to dressed up as her and get to fuck me xD
Anonymous10: @anon6
Actually, in the comics at some point, she did get them back. Never really followed the comics, but remember seeing one on a shelf once with her reverted, and thought "Huh" - so I thumbed through, and sure enough, she was back to normal.
Anonymous12: There was a time when she got them back in the cartoon, albeit temporarily. Otherwise, the closest we have is Anti-Bunnie AKA Buns Rabbot from Anti-Mobius AKA Moebius.
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there is no such thing...
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Actually, in the comics at some point, she did get them back. Never really followed the comics, but remember seeing one on a shelf once with her reverted, and thought "Huh" - so I thumbed through, and sure enough, she was back to normal.
Are you sure that wasn't Buns Rabbot?