Anonymous1: - Brian): "I brought this bitch for our own
orgy swap tonight. And I'm primed & ready to take them all on!"
- Lois): "No wait, this isn't a movie set, where I was gonna make $50 for being a nude background stand in extra! It will only be a 60 second panning shot with other naked extras, you said!"
- Brian): "Shut up Lois, $I'll give you $500 extra after I get thru with you. It will get you that fancy coat you've always wanted, And you'll leave liking it all & have a new sex kink, that Peter won't know about!"
- Roger): "OK, let's get the party started; Cameras; action!"
- Lois): [forced, laying on the bar, facing up] "Brian, you bastard! Mmmmmmmfh...
- Brian): [now over her, forcing his big tounge down her throat, furry chest raking her breasts, spreading her legs with his searching weight] "Your gonna love this!"
> Lois's, [mouth full of dog tounge], eyes getting real wide as she feels Brian entering her!
> He was right! She was begaining to like her new kink... & lover.
orgy swap tonight. And I'm primed & ready to take them all on!"
- Lois): "No wait, this isn't a movie set, where I was gonna make $50 for being a nude background stand in extra! It will only be a 60 second panning shot with other naked extras, you said!"
- Brian): "Shut up Lois, $I'll give you $500 extra after I get thru with you. It will get you that fancy coat you've always wanted, And you'll leave liking it all & have a new sex kink, that Peter won't know about!"
- Roger): "OK, let's get the party started; Cameras; action!"
- Lois): [forced, laying on the bar, facing up] "Brian, you bastard! Mmmmmmmfh...
- Brian): [now over her, forcing his big tounge down her throat, furry chest raking her breasts, spreading her legs with his searching weight] "Your gonna love this!"
> Lois's, [mouth full of dog tounge], eyes getting real wide as she feels Brian entering her!
> He was right! She was begaining to like her new kink... & lover.