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TagsBridget, Guilty_Gear, Metroid, Samus_Aran, crossover
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Info922x597 // 224KB // jpg
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Gregorius: Not a re-post, just a higher-resolution, non-bordered pic of #27761.

Also, bringing a little less faggotry to the uploads on the front page. You're welcome.
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Suomynona: No, you.
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Deuxsonic: You contribute basically nothing, so you can leave if you don't like it.
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Anonymous1: Crazy hair on the blond guy. Also, boobs.
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Staunch_CrackPig: Nice.
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Gregorius: @ Deux: Whoopty-fucking-do. You don't like that I hardly post. Have you ever considered that I'm doing better things with my time?
You, rather, have too much spare time, and you waste it all here? Uploading 70 hentai pictures a day? Get out. Give your hand a rest and go pick up a prostitute.
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Anonymous2: Too true... Bridgett was once hot to me. T_T
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Anonymous3: ...Once?
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Anonymous4: Crazy talk, anon #2.
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Anonymous5: Furiously fapping to both (ignoring the inevitability of the other side... or am I?).
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Optimus__Prime: Anon2, everyone is gay for Bridget.
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Anonymous6: If you're not gay for Bridget, you're probably gay.
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Anonymous34Poster: What?
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Anonymous7: anon6: wat
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Scrounge: A6: Disturbingly enough, that made perfect sense to me.
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Anonymous8: I'd pound bridgetts ass like there was no tomorrow and I'd suck his dick, and I'm totally straight. Seriously.
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Amun-Ra: Even I dream of it...

Oh fuck you, internet.
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TEHJUICER: i wants bridget "vag"
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evilpika: Yes, Bridget has altered our minds in an irreversible way.
Also, Anon6 is wise beyond its years.
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Anonymous9(8): Anon8. I agree! Only I wouldn't suck his dick... I'd make him suck mine though. And I'll tear that sweet ass up let me tell you! I just came like 2 minutes ago but typing that... I must fap again...
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Anonymous10: ok some of this post garbage made sense. the rest of you sound like your crying for attention.
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DarkCalx: so, does anyone know what the source for this is? one-off comic? serial? anything?
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Anonymous11: Anon8 ... no you are not ;)
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grawss: That mushroom on the kid's shirt in panel 2 would fuck Bridget harder than any of you thin skinned fags.
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Anonymous12: The character on the right resembles Joel from bonus stages (webtoon)
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Anonymous13: Gay men don't do girly-men
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nebula: Backstage we're haaavin' the time, of our lives until somebody saaay: Forgive me if I seem outta line... then she whipped out her gun and tried ta blow me away! D:
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Anonymous14: Yeah, we do, anon 13
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Anonymous15: anon14's a pinata.
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aso: oh lawd gregorious is a tough-guy uploader on paheal

Also, looks like another shitty gaming comic, hooray
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Anonymous16: great reactions in panel 2
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Anonymous17: Hmm... I'd do Bridget, but only if it was a three way with a girl sucking his while he sucks mine... and I have a good view of the girl.
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Anonymous18: A6: That makes pefect sense.

A16: A prominent gay leader, quoted approvingly by the 'Village Voice', says that you are wrong and A13 is right. I can find a link if you want.
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DomPfaff: my wallpaper.. :-D .. maybe it gets no feature on paheal, but it getsa a feature for my computer..
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Anonymous19: true... so true...
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Anonymous20: I like that his shirt even had a reaction, on the second panel. xD
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Anonymous21: ^ His pants are so scared they fixed their holes
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ZIGEBUGEDUG: Given a gift then..... OWNED BY LIFE
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Anonymous22: Does that mean im lesbo 4 bridget. i dont like gay sex tho like dem yoai fans @_@
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Anonymous23: I'm straight and I'd still go for Bridget.
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Anonymous24: I'd I suck Bridgette Rick and pounder happily and I'm straight
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Sucu: I wouldn't mind either of them. <3
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Anonymous25: bridget: showing men bisexuality since old times.
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Anonymous26: 2007... Now THIS is a relic.

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