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Anonymous1: Now this is good.
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furriehentaiboy16: god i want her
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Anonymous2: indeed
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Anonymous4: Not porn.
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Anonymous5: wait what the? this is....what....i dont get it? Whos Jake and Whos Neytri....WHOS WHO!?!
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Anonymous6: Hair isn't touching, not porn.
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Anonymous7: It's not Jake or Neytiri. It's by Zardra from Deviant art. She writes:

Yes, I am one of those people who completely fell in love with the movie "Avatar". :heart: Cannot help it. I've seen it twice and it just... it moves me.

Then I joined the Avatar group here at DA
and there was a contest where you draw yourself as a na'vi (the native's of planet-Pandora).
This is my contest entry.

I've tried to draw a picture of me as a na'vi several times but all the pictures looked boring. And then I got this idea and it wouldn't let go of me. The me-na'vi is the one on the left, the standing one, he is also the first na'vi I ever drew (sketched), right after I saw the movie for the first time.

I know I'm really a female, but I'm a human too, so, as a na'vi, I choose to be a man.
The other na'vi is a warrior, who has not told about himself more yet. I hope I will get to draw him more. ^^
My na'vi's name is Sreutxe'lan (which means dancing heart) and his lover is called Lu'ngay (Being true).

Gods it felt good to paint. It took about 10 hours to paint this. I used several brushes and a few textures, no references were used, only a few general pictures of the na'vi to get them right. All sketched and painted on Photoshop CS2. The colour scheme made me purrrr.
They don't have names yet, wah. =/

I don't know if I should submit this to category "fan-art" or "Original", since the characters are mine, but the concept is James Cameron's. Hmm.
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CriscoJones: ^ what a fag
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Anonymous8: arse! It's trap! Gay na'vi!
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Anonymous9: Wow, Lu'n"GAY" indeed.
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Anonymous10(1): You made them look very female. Now I know it's gay, I wish I hadn't fapped to this.
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Anonymous11: Zardra just undid decades of criticism of Freud.
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Anonymous12: finally gay navi porn!! (^w^)
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Anonymous13: ^don't post twice you tard

This is good, but they look female
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Anonymous14: Very great.
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Anonymous15: Anon13 is a retard, now way gay Na'vi sex is hot! Gay guys are an abomination to our world!
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Anonymous16: ... anon 15 needs to get his brain checked because people who are homosexual are just the same as us, people
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Anonymous17: ^But they are not the same as everyone else, otherwise they would not be gay. But does it matter in the long run? Nope, and that's the beauty of the human condition. Like Baskin-Robbins, we all come in different flavors, including the fruity kind. ;)
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takonar: @A17

What happens when Baskin-Robbins decides to discontinue a flavor?
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CriscoJones: We should discontinue fruity!
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Anonymous18: It's Neytiri on the left (tail decoration thing), but don't ask me where her boobs went.
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Anonymous19: This may not be porn, but it's awesome art.
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Anonymous20: Anon 18, they're both guys and their both fancharacters.
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Adonisus: Hawt.
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Anonymous21: DAAAAWWWW
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Anonymous22: ANON 15: you are starting to sound like you idolize Chris-Chan there!
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Anonymous23: FURFAGS! Send in a strike team directly from the Ordo Malleus! PURGE THE UNCLEAN. Srsly though, the backdrop is so sickly sweet that it gives Wilford Brimley Diabeetus all over again. This picture passed off as Jake+Neytiri until I looked at the comments...Fuck this picture and fuck the crazy bitch who made the most painful way imaginable. I hope she dies from a sugar overdose filled with AIDS.
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Anonymous24: The amount of butthurt bawww'ing by anons who feel icky because they fapped to men makes this picture my favorite on the site.

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