Anonymous3: Aaaand, since She most likely wouldn't fuck the valet, normally, then this could be considered, Rape, as She may not have seen Him(Ahem) "Slip Her the Frog"(I never thought I'd have to use THAT term again)!
Anonymous4(3): This is a cut scene from the Adult Adaptation, of the movie, and, will(I hope, I hope, I hope, be released on Adult video, in it's entirety!
Anonymous5(3): This is a scene from the Adult Adaptation, of the movie, and, will(I hope, I hope, I hope), be released on Adult video, in it's entirety! (Corrections will be made, blood will be shed!)
Anonymous6: This could be the valet and Naveen, (as mentioned) or more likely Naveen with a random frog, I'm sure Naveen, the ladies man, likes to experiment
the guy fucking Tiana must be his valet, Lawrence