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Anonymous1: *Clicks on two*
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Anonymous2: win
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Anonymous3: 5. Pardon me for even installing this horrendous excuse of a game in the first place.
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Anonymous4: a3: this is not the place for your whining. get to fapping or get to leaving.
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Anonymous5: she looks like a lizard
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Anonymous6: its okay, a3 just needs to go back to WoW, where everyone has an opinion and no one matters
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Anonymous7: lol a3s opinion doesnt matter
*accidentaly presses 4 on keyboard*
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4mwarning: a5: so I drew her accurately, then?
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Anonymous8: Nope, not at all. ^
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Anonymous9: A3: You're a goddamn moron.
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Anonymous10: ho crap i wish this happened in the real game
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Anonymous11: Silly artist, Morrigan is not Dwarven.
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Anonymous12: : : ………………………… ……………„„-^*'''' ;*^~^*'''*^-„„
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………………………& hellip;………*-„ . . . . . \„-„„_„„-^^-* . . . . . . . . . . .'| ........Why don't you have a seat over there
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- Reply
Anonymous13: Even the sentient ones wouldn't waste time talking, they'd just do the whole gruesome broodmother transformation thing.

Of course, what they do to their mothers is totally up to speculation...
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Anonymous14: 4minute warning pic is great except morrigan looks a bit bad :P im sure if you do another it would be perfect
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Anonymous15: You are now aware that she doesn't have a neck. Enjoy.
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Anonymous16: Someone needs to make a mod for this.
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Anonymous17: Her torso is a little too short and her hips are too round. I understand you are trying to convey the angle at which we are viewing her, and that is why we can't see her neck. If her hips were just a tad lower and less voluptuous, it would be more accurate. Other than the lack of her purple eyeshadow, her face looks very accurate to her in-game.

Nicely done, over all. Now everybody fap.
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Anonymous18: Chris Hansen's been shot with a shotgun?
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4mwarning: Anon17: Constructive criticism? On my rule34? Thanks for the pointers! I can see what you're getting at, and I'll bear it in mind for the next pic.
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Anonymous19: What a poorly structured woman.

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