Anonymous3: I think that somebody should make a comic called, Luna and Luan's scissor sex. Starring Luna and Luan.
:Luna *Taking clothes off* You ready to rock N roll sis?
:Luan *Take's off her clothes* If I want a rock, it better roll. HAHAHAHAHAHA! GET IT?!
Luna: Dude just fuck me.
Luan: Oh I'm a cumin! HAHAHAHAHAHA! GET IT?!
- Reply
Luan: I want to make a pun of this... But it's making me wanna wet myself...
:Luna *Taking clothes off* You ready to rock N roll sis?
:Luan *Take's off her clothes* If I want a rock, it better roll. HAHAHAHAHAHA! GET IT?!
Luna: Dude just fuck me.
Luan: Oh I'm a cumin! HAHAHAHAHAHA! GET IT?!