Anonymous1: Wow, that's a random character to #34. Especially considering there's no Miranda pics of yet (in before 'potato face/Michael Jackson'), or even any Jack or Kelly.
Anonymous3: Not really a random character to #34. This was done two years ago after all. It is Rule 34 from ME1 not 2. We've yet to really see any ME2 #34
Anonymous4: actually that is more ME2 34, shiala's blue in ME1 (her thorian clones are the green ones) while in ME2 when you meet her she's green herself (long term side effect of thorian contact)
Anonymous12: yeah guys dont bother with miranda.... here is a whole load of yvonne strahovski nude pics. they may be fake but they are still hot
the games been out a week now.
Yvonne Strahovski
Also Sarah Walker on Chuck.
No go fap to her real pictures in undies.
- Reply
(I can tell from some of the pixels and having seen many shops in my time.)
Green is the new hotness.