Anonymous12: Zoidberg: "Dear Diary, I had been having a bad day, feeling a little lonely even, so I decided to commit suicide for a while. I had thought about the female gender and how nice it would be to catch up with my nearly extinct species. It was then that I made an amazing discovery! It turns out that having sex with anything other than my own kind isn't so bad! I've had countless orgasms and an still alive to hold a pen to tell you these things! Go figure, eh? So far the female Leela has been ever so helpful in my research, and even gave me a tuna sandwich! Such good help she is that if she were my kind I would give to her my jelly I would! But she seems content with pushing ahead with our good work, and the nice man down at the movie studios says to come in next week for an interview. Who knew directors in New San Fernando Valley needed medical help so badly?
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also, MOAR AMY
Let's say the paper note is a prescription for the aphrodesiac he put in the water cooler. :)
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no girls on internet
any girls on internet are trap!
Sure, that might be normal for decapodians, but it's big for the human women he's fucking.
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