Anonymous2: I'd like to see you attempt drawing something like this Anonymous1!
It's hard enough to even have the guts to post something like this in the first place!
Learn to respect another's art.
Anonymous4: Anon1, i would rather see art like on the 4th page back from here, like or ...
But i have too agree with Anon2: its hard to draw that kinda stuff and harder to get posted... (unless the artist being a twisted minded perv.)
Anonymous7: There is no need to call the 'waaambulance'.
I was merely stating my opinion. I hardly say anything when people post random comments on different web-pages Anonymous3. I didn't mean to irritate you.
Senfyero: Transformers 63'd and Tentacle Rape at the same time? Sounds like win for me. Though I'm not sure which Fembot in the middle is doing NOT blowing it.
It's hard enough to even have the guts to post something like this in the first place!
Learn to respect another's art.
But i have too agree with Anon2: its hard to draw that kinda stuff and harder to get posted... (unless the artist being a twisted minded perv.)
I was merely stating my opinion. I hardly say anything when people post random comments on different web-pages Anonymous3. I didn't mean to irritate you.
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Almighty Galvatron, what did they do to you!!!