Anonymous4: Someone please fix the face! Fuck me I'd rather fuck a volus then her. Jack ingame had a fairly attractive face this person looks like she needs a cock.
Anonymous6(2): Yeah Jack in game had probably the most attractive face of all the women on the ship. This looks like Vin diesel with a mouth full of chicklets and an inexplicable double eyebrow.
He puts all the effort into the tatoos and then...
Anonymous18: No, Jack looks nothing like Portman. Jack has bigger, fuller lips, a stronger chin and jawline, different cheeks and eyes . . . all you must see, 12, is the buzzcut.
Also, more Jack, please. Ripoff of Pitch Black, but a damn better one.
So pretty damn accurate.
He puts all the effort into the tatoos and then...
lol "aim here"
Jack had a hot face.
We need more, better Jack porn.
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Did anyone else think she looked kind of exactly like a bald-headed Natalie Portman?
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Also, more Jack, please. Ripoff of Pitch Black, but a damn better one.
Even if it is somewhat ugly I'll deny it entierly. XD
Miranda=Bucktooth bitch.
Jack= Smexy girl who can turn paragon. :3