Anonymous5: Pallottili may be a good artist but she's fucking retarded. Case in point: She fights against "heterophobia" but she herself seems to be homophobic.
Thanos6: What makes you say that? She drew me a Goten/Trunks picture, and also a bisexual picture that had Gohan and Mirai Trunks making out while they each fucked their wives (a fan character of mine, obviously, for Mirai's wife) who were ALSO making out. Not only that, she showed every indication of enjoying the various parts of the sexuality spectrum, saying that Trunks/Goten in particular is a favorite of hers. Why do you think otherwise?
Anonymous6: Homophobic,me??? (I'm Pallottili)
Have you seen my deviantart gallery? No,of course!
I drew a lot of gay pairings from different manga and anime! I'm not homophobic at all O__o
Anonymous10: I think that everyone should just stop arguing about stupid shit like this in the comments sections. You're making yourselves look like trolls.
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Have you seen my deviantart gallery? No,of course!
I drew a lot of gay pairings from different manga and anime! I'm not homophobic at all O__o
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Also some yaoi fangirls tend to not like homosexuality in real life. That is probably why Pallottili seems to be homophobic yet draw gay art.
You're retarded like her if You don't get it.
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