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TagsJennifer_Walters, Marvel, She-Hulk, co4
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Info675x644 // 197KB // jpg
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Draken: im guessing, she-hulk?
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Yig: Masterchief...
I facepalm'd
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Anonymous1: epic win
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TiredAnon: The picture on the wall sums it up.

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Anonymous2: how'd she remove her bra without taking off her shirt?
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Anonymous3: did she do that?
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soheifox: Uhh. If you ever get a girlfriend, as her how she can remove a bra without removing a shirt. It's not hard and you SHOULD be able to figure it out just from logic.
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Fox_McCloud: masterchief is a FAG and GAY-LO is OVERRATED!!!
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Shock_Headed_Penor: I'M HULKING OUT IN MY PANTS!
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Anonymous4: soheifox you are a stupid fucking sausage and if you understood how a bra works you would wonder the same thing.

You dont need some nagging bitch to annoy you for years or so to find out that its not possible without taking the goddamn shirt off. You see, the un-attatchable shoulder straps prevent it.
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Anonymous5: Mabey she put her shirt back on afterwards...why would she do that?
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Anonymous6: maybe she snapped the plastic clips on the straps.
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snoop085: well anon 2 and 3 let me tell u. the way i do it is i unbutton my blouse the same way she did and i reach behind and unhook the back strap and then slide it off. then i sit they and massage my breasts
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Anonymous7: anon 4's just mad cause he's never had a girlfriend... nor will he ever
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Anonymous8: Anon4's a dumbass. First of all, not all girls are nagging bitches. Second, not only have I seen my ex remove her bra without taking off her shirt, but I've also seen her put on another bra without taking off her shirt.
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Anonymous9: master chief takes out rocketlauncher autolock on
starfox missles go flying EXPLOSION SPREE chief humps fox mcclouds body then jumps in to warthog and bangs crystal and samus shouting YOINK

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