Anonymous1: Captured Rebel: This woman makes me love her and obey, she drives me crazy ❤. I would tell her everything I knew and do whatever she wants.
But then I would betray the Rebel Alliance...
Anonymous3: It would be cool if someone did something like this, with the Seventh Sister and Trilla.
Anonymous5: Jazzhands, good to see your making content again. It's been a while since I looked at your content again. Speaking of, remember Critical Mission Failure(the one with Femshep & Morinth)? You still doing that?
I was working on it before COVID, then things happened that made me put down SFM for a while. When I came back around I looked at my progress and thought "this is crap," and threw it all in the bin. I was getting around to redoing it, but after looking at ME models for hours I was sick of working on it and went on to other projects. But, after the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect, I've been tempted to go back to it. Especially since I found a new Samara model. We'll see how much longer it takes me, but this is a small hobby for me. The minute something feels like work when it comes to porn, then I drop it.
But then I would betray the Rebel Alliance...
- Reply
But not bad!
I was working on it before COVID, then things happened that made me put down SFM for a while. When I came back around I looked at my progress and thought "this is crap," and threw it all in the bin. I was getting around to redoing it, but after looking at ME models for hours I was sick of working on it and went on to other projects. But, after the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect, I've been tempted to go back to it. Especially since I found a new Samara model. We'll see how much longer it takes me, but this is a small hobby for me. The minute something feels like work when it comes to porn, then I drop it.
tldr: yes, but won't be done for a while.