Anonymous1: Title: Big Daddy Mufasa & his human boy,
I was walking around the Pridelands. But, when Mufasa was hunting until he turns & looking at me. He's blushing when my cock & my butt from the inside of my pants, but instead, he's about to pounce on me. Mufasa pounced on me & drag me to Pride Rock. He drag me inside of Pride Rock & take me to a cell & chained me up on a rock,
Me:(I'm chaining on a rock) (Struggling) Hello? Who's doing this to me? Mufasa: Hmm. Your Big Daddy Mufasa. That's who. Me: Let me out. I didn't do anything to you, lion. Mufasa: You didn't, but you will be my human son subject. And you are going to stay me & my big cock. Me: For how long? Mufasa: Forever, maybe. (Mufasa's cock is shaking) What? What's that, my cock? Oh, really, huh? Well, son, my cock speaks that he wants to be inside of your human hole & he can't wait. (Chuckle) Me: No, gross! Let me go, please!? Let me go! Mufasa: Nope. Never. Welcome to the lion family, my son. (He jams his cock into me harder, I'm blushing harder, scream of pain, & I'm teeth chattering)
To be continued............
Anonymous2(1): Previously on Big Daddy Mufasa & his human boy,
Mufasa jams his cock into me harder & I'm screaming of pain then now Mufasa's pounding on me,
Mufasa:(I'm teeth chattering & whimpering while Mufasa's pounding on me harder with his big cock) (Mufasa's picking his paw finger in my hole) Hey, son. Does it feels delicious if I stick my paw finger in your human hole? Me: No! No, gross! (Mufasa pushes his paw finger in my hole & I gasps terrified) Ouch. Mufasa:(Sigh) Thank you, son. (He sniffs my butt) Hmm, your butt is good for your Big Daddy, boy. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. (He's pounding me now) Me:(Whimper) Ow. Aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, oh, please, Big Daddy Mufasa, please, stop. This is to much pain by now, please. Mufasa: Nope. No way, son. Your Big Daddy ain't done with you, boy. Your butt is mine now & my cock is staying in your butt forever until I have to time to push harder into your hole. Me: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! No, gross, dude! Mufasa: Gross?! You really want something gross?! I'll give you a paw finger in your hole! Me: No, no! I don't want that. Mufasa: Good. Then, do as your Big Daddy tells you to do. You got that? Me: Yes, Big Daddy Mufasa. As you wish. Mufasa: Good boy. Now, let me continue pounding you, shall I? (He continued pounding me) (He's pounding on me for 2 minutes & 7 seconds) Oh, here it comes, my human son. Me: Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you doing?! I said== (Mufasa pushes his cock harder to me) (Scream & gasps) (Mufasa's cock & nuts is now sticking & stuck inside of my body until a year) OH MY GOSH! Dad, that's now on your Big Son's ass now! Ouch. Ohhh, ow. Ow, ouch! Your cock, Big Daddy Mufasa is locked itself inside of me now. Mufasa: Good. Now, lions, release the boy. (The lions unlock me out of the chains & now I'm entangled with Mufasa's cock in my butt) (I was standing up, but I'm having a little trouble with walking while Mufasa's cock is stuck inside of me now) Mufasa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy boy, easy now, easy now, boy. Me: Well, it's hard while your cock is stuck on my ass. Ouch. Ouch. (Mufasa's cock is moving my cock & it's conscientiousness is transferring to my cock. And now, me & Mufasa can feel it when one of us is touching or rubbing my cock) Mufasa: Uh, cock? Mufasa's cock:(Part of my cock) Yes. As you Mufasa, entangled with the human. When one of you touch me, both of you can feel it. Try & touch me. (I touch my cock, but I & Mufasa can feel it both) (Me & Mufasa gasps) Mufasa: Whoa! This was a mistake. I'm going to try to get you out of the boy. After that, the boy is going on his own. Mufasa's cock:(Part of me) Yeah, good luck with that. Mufasa: Ok, son. Let's get that cock out of you. Me: Good. Then, I'm leaving.
To be continued............
Anonymous3(1): Previously on Big Daddy Mufasa & his human boy,
Mufasa: Ok, son. Here we are back to the cell. Now, try to get my cock out of you. Ready? Me: Just do it. I don't want to be entangled forever. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt) Wait, wait. Why's dick's so big? Mufasa: Well, because that dick of mine has made it so big of my own making. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt) Ow, ow, ow! Damn! Ouch, ouch! Mufasa: Don't worry, son. We can feel my cock is coming out. Hold the pain a little longer. Me: Ok, ok. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), Mufasa:(Struggling) Almost!!! (Mufasa's cock is finally is out of me) Ok, you're free, son. Go, go, before my cock will come to you again. Me: Thank you. (I ran away & run out of Pride Rock) (I run away Prick Rock & I ran off on my own)
Anonymous4: Title: King Big Daddy Mufasa & his human son,
I've came back to Pride Rock to see Mufasa, but then he pounced on me & he locked me up in his secret room.
Mufasa:(I'm all tied up on the top of his rock in his room with his cock is bigger & ready for me) (Sigh & chuckles) Welcome back, son. It looks like you've came back for your Big Daddy Mufasa for more of my pounding dick. Right, boy? Me:(Mufasa licks my dick, nuts & my ass) (Shudder) Well, um== Mufasa: Goody. You & I are going to spend some our best time together with some pounding. Me: What? No, I didn't came here to== (Mufasa jams his cock into my hole) OH, SHIT! URGH! Wait, wait, I didn't came here to== Mufasa:(I moan) (Chuckle) Oh, shhhhhhh. It's too late for that, son. Now, your Big Daddy will watch over you & stay with me. (He started pounding on me & 20 minutes later, he still pounding on me) Oh my, lioness. This is so hot, huh son. (I shuddered) Yes? That's my good boy. Hey, how about a song with you, son? Mmm? (I shuddering) Mmm. Good. A song it is. (Clear throat) Mmm. (Singing voice while he's pounding on me) Oh, MY SONNY-SON, WHERE ARE YOU? WE GOT SOME WORK TO DO NOW. (I gulped) Oh, MY SONNY-SON, WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED SOME HELP FROM YOU NOW. (I moan hardly) Oh, COME OVER TO YOUR BIG DADDY CAUSE HE SEE YOU. WE CAN BE PRETENDING WE'VE GOT A SLIVER. (We're all teeth chattering together) Oh, YOU'RE NOT FOOLING YOUR BIG DADDY MUFASA BECAUSE HE CAN SEE YOU THE WAY WE SHAKE & SHIVER TOGETHER. (I moan & we both teeth chattering together) WE KNOW WE GOT A MYSTERY TO SOLVE SO YOU & I BE READY FOR OUR ACT. DON'T HOLD BACK! (We both gulped & whimpered) AND WE IF YOU COME THROUGH WE'RE GONNA HAVE OURSELVES SOME LION SNACKS. THAT'S A FACT! Mufasa & me:(Whimpering) Oh, boy. Mufasa:(Singing voice while he's still pounding on me) Oh, MY SON. HERE ARE YOU. WE'RE READY & WE'RE WILLIN'. WE CAN COUNT ON YOU, MY SONNY-SON. I KNOW WE'LL CATCH A VILLAIN. (Chuckling & sigh) Oh, son. What do you think of the song? Me:(Shuddering/teeth chattering) Big Daddy Mufasa, it is the best time for a father & son moment together. I love it. (Teeth chattered) And you're right. I'll stay with my giant Big Lion Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa: Oh, now that's my boy. Welcome to the family, son. Me:(Moan loudly) Thanks, Big Daddy. (Moan) We're going to have a best time together of a giant old lion & a young human boy. Mufasa:(He grabs, hugs me & our faces are together) Mmm. (Chuckles) You are my good boy, aren't you? Me: Yes, I am, Big Daddy. (Moan hardly & teeth chattering) Mufasa:(He can feel the chattering from me) Whoa, son. Your chattering is so shakey. And for everyday, son. You're going hold your Big Daddy Lion when something terrifies me. Got that? Me:(Mufasa pushes his cock harder into me & I teeth chattered) Yes, Big Daddy. As you wish, my King Big Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa:(Chuckles) Good boy. (He gets his cock out of me & he get off of me) Me:(I'm panting) It's done already? I'm starting to think that== (Mufasa vanished) Uh, Big Daddy? Hello? King Big Daddy Mufasa? Where are you? Where are== (Gasps) Mufasa:(He jumps into me & I'm holding him) HOLD ME! Me:(I'm struggling to holding my Big Daddy Lion Mufasa) Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Huh, huh! (I stop struggling) Whoa, you're really big & heavy, Big Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa:(I'm still holding him) But, now you're strong enough to hold me, son. Me: But how? Mufasa: Well, when I keep pushing my cock into you harder as I could & I give you some of my lion strength. Me: That explains that. (Then Sarabi barge in) Sarabi: Hey! (The both of us screamed & teeth chattering together while I'm holding Mufasa) I saw what you did to the boy, Mufasa! Mufasa:(He's teeth chattering while I'm still holding him) Like what, Sarabi? Sarabi: Don't play games with me, Mufasa. You know why I'm here now. Is that you were== Oh my lioness. Is that a human cock? (She's starting sucking my cock now while I'm still holding Mufasa & we're still teeth chattering) Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Me:(I'm blushing) What are you== Oh, whoa. Oh, oh, actually it's felt really good from you, Sarabi. Sarabi: Oh, quiet you. (She continues sucking my cock) Keep holding your Big Daddy while your Big Mommy sucking your cock, son. Mmm, so romantic. Mmm. (I move to set on the rock where Mufasa pound on me & Sarabi's still sucking my cock & I'm still holding Big Daddy Mufasa) (It's been 30 minutes since I was holding Mufasa & Sarabi's sucking my cock then we stopped now & I put down Mufasa from me holding him) (I took a 15 break & Sarabi came to me & she leans on me with her butt pointing at my face & she looking at my cock. She started sucking my cock while I'm licking her vulva for 30 minutes. After that, she let's me go & I go on my own to my new journey)
I was walking around the Pridelands. But, when Mufasa was hunting until he turns & looking at me. He's blushing when my cock & my butt from the inside of my pants, but instead, he's about to pounce on me. Mufasa pounced on me & drag me to Pride Rock. He drag me inside of Pride Rock & take me to a cell & chained me up on a rock,
Me:(I'm chaining on a rock) (Struggling) Hello? Who's doing this to me? Mufasa: Hmm. Your Big Daddy Mufasa. That's who. Me: Let me out. I didn't do anything to you, lion. Mufasa: You didn't, but you will be my human son subject. And you are going to stay me & my big cock. Me: For how long? Mufasa: Forever, maybe. (Mufasa's cock is shaking) What? What's that, my cock? Oh, really, huh? Well, son, my cock speaks that he wants to be inside of your human hole & he can't wait. (Chuckle) Me: No, gross! Let me go, please!? Let me go! Mufasa: Nope. Never. Welcome to the lion family, my son. (He jams his cock into me harder, I'm blushing harder, scream of pain, & I'm teeth chattering)
To be continued............
Mufasa jams his cock into me harder & I'm screaming of pain then now Mufasa's pounding on me,
Mufasa:(I'm teeth chattering & whimpering while Mufasa's pounding on me harder with his big cock) (Mufasa's picking his paw finger in my hole) Hey, son. Does it feels delicious if I stick my paw finger in your human hole? Me: No! No, gross! (Mufasa pushes his paw finger in my hole & I gasps terrified) Ouch. Mufasa:(Sigh) Thank you, son. (He sniffs my butt) Hmm, your butt is good for your Big Daddy, boy. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. (He's pounding me now) Me:(Whimper) Ow. Aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, oh, please, Big Daddy Mufasa, please, stop. This is to much pain by now, please. Mufasa: Nope. No way, son. Your Big Daddy ain't done with you, boy. Your butt is mine now & my cock is staying in your butt forever until I have to time to push harder into your hole. Me: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! No, gross, dude! Mufasa: Gross?! You really want something gross?! I'll give you a paw finger in your hole! Me: No, no! I don't want that. Mufasa: Good. Then, do as your Big Daddy tells you to do. You got that? Me: Yes, Big Daddy Mufasa. As you wish. Mufasa: Good boy. Now, let me continue pounding you, shall I? (He continued pounding me) (He's pounding on me for 2 minutes & 7 seconds) Oh, here it comes, my human son. Me: Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you doing?! I said== (Mufasa pushes his cock harder to me) (Scream & gasps) (Mufasa's cock & nuts is now sticking & stuck inside of my body until a year) OH MY GOSH! Dad, that's now on your Big Son's ass now! Ouch. Ohhh, ow. Ow, ouch! Your cock, Big Daddy Mufasa is locked itself inside of me now. Mufasa: Good. Now, lions, release the boy. (The lions unlock me out of the chains & now I'm entangled with Mufasa's cock in my butt) (I was standing up, but I'm having a little trouble with walking while Mufasa's cock is stuck inside of me now) Mufasa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy boy, easy now, easy now, boy. Me: Well, it's hard while your cock is stuck on my ass. Ouch. Ouch. (Mufasa's cock is moving my cock & it's conscientiousness is transferring to my cock. And now, me & Mufasa can feel it when one of us is touching or rubbing my cock) Mufasa: Uh, cock? Mufasa's cock:(Part of my cock) Yes. As you Mufasa, entangled with the human. When one of you touch me, both of you can feel it. Try & touch me. (I touch my cock, but I & Mufasa can feel it both) (Me & Mufasa gasps) Mufasa: Whoa! This was a mistake. I'm going to try to get you out of the boy. After that, the boy is going on his own. Mufasa's cock:(Part of me) Yeah, good luck with that. Mufasa: Ok, son. Let's get that cock out of you. Me: Good. Then, I'm leaving.
To be continued............
Mufasa: Ok, son. Here we are back to the cell. Now, try to get my cock out of you. Ready? Me: Just do it. I don't want to be entangled forever. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt) Wait, wait. Why's dick's so big? Mufasa: Well, because that dick of mine has made it so big of my own making. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt) Ow, ow, ow! Damn! Ouch, ouch! Mufasa: Don't worry, son. We can feel my cock is coming out. Hold the pain a little longer. Me: Ok, ok. (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), (Mufasa pulls & I grunt), Mufasa:(Struggling) Almost!!! (Mufasa's cock is finally is out of me) Ok, you're free, son. Go, go, before my cock will come to you again. Me: Thank you. (I ran away & run out of Pride Rock) (I run away Prick Rock & I ran off on my own)
I've came back to Pride Rock to see Mufasa, but then he pounced on me & he locked me up in his secret room.
Mufasa:(I'm all tied up on the top of his rock in his room with his cock is bigger & ready for me) (Sigh & chuckles) Welcome back, son. It looks like you've came back for your Big Daddy Mufasa for more of my pounding dick. Right, boy? Me:(Mufasa licks my dick, nuts & my ass) (Shudder) Well, um== Mufasa: Goody. You & I are going to spend some our best time together with some pounding. Me: What? No, I didn't came here to== (Mufasa jams his cock into my hole) OH, SHIT! URGH! Wait, wait, I didn't came here to== Mufasa:(I moan) (Chuckle) Oh, shhhhhhh. It's too late for that, son. Now, your Big Daddy will watch over you & stay with me. (He started pounding on me & 20 minutes later, he still pounding on me) Oh my, lioness. This is so hot, huh son. (I shuddered) Yes? That's my good boy. Hey, how about a song with you, son? Mmm? (I shuddering) Mmm. Good. A song it is. (Clear throat) Mmm. (Singing voice while he's pounding on me) Oh, MY SONNY-SON, WHERE ARE YOU? WE GOT SOME WORK TO DO NOW. (I gulped) Oh, MY SONNY-SON, WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED SOME HELP FROM YOU NOW. (I moan hardly) Oh, COME OVER TO YOUR BIG DADDY CAUSE HE SEE YOU. WE CAN BE PRETENDING WE'VE GOT A SLIVER. (We're all teeth chattering together) Oh, YOU'RE NOT FOOLING YOUR BIG DADDY MUFASA BECAUSE HE CAN SEE YOU THE WAY WE SHAKE & SHIVER TOGETHER. (I moan & we both teeth chattering together) WE KNOW WE GOT A MYSTERY TO SOLVE SO YOU & I BE READY FOR OUR ACT. DON'T HOLD BACK! (We both gulped & whimpered) AND WE IF YOU COME THROUGH WE'RE GONNA HAVE OURSELVES SOME LION SNACKS. THAT'S A FACT! Mufasa & me:(Whimpering) Oh, boy. Mufasa:(Singing voice while he's still pounding on me) Oh, MY SON. HERE ARE YOU. WE'RE READY & WE'RE WILLIN'. WE CAN COUNT ON YOU, MY SONNY-SON. I KNOW WE'LL CATCH A VILLAIN. (Chuckling & sigh) Oh, son. What do you think of the song? Me:(Shuddering/teeth chattering) Big Daddy Mufasa, it is the best time for a father & son moment together. I love it. (Teeth chattered) And you're right. I'll stay with my giant Big Lion Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa: Oh, now that's my boy. Welcome to the family, son. Me:(Moan loudly) Thanks, Big Daddy. (Moan) We're going to have a best time together of a giant old lion & a young human boy. Mufasa:(He grabs, hugs me & our faces are together) Mmm. (Chuckles) You are my good boy, aren't you? Me: Yes, I am, Big Daddy. (Moan hardly & teeth chattering) Mufasa:(He can feel the chattering from me) Whoa, son. Your chattering is so shakey. And for everyday, son. You're going hold your Big Daddy Lion when something terrifies me. Got that? Me:(Mufasa pushes his cock harder into me & I teeth chattered) Yes, Big Daddy. As you wish, my King Big Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa:(Chuckles) Good boy. (He gets his cock out of me & he get off of me) Me:(I'm panting) It's done already? I'm starting to think that== (Mufasa vanished) Uh, Big Daddy? Hello? King Big Daddy Mufasa? Where are you? Where are== (Gasps) Mufasa:(He jumps into me & I'm holding him) HOLD ME! Me:(I'm struggling to holding my Big Daddy Lion Mufasa) Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Huh, huh! (I stop struggling) Whoa, you're really big & heavy, Big Daddy Mufasa. Mufasa:(I'm still holding him) But, now you're strong enough to hold me, son. Me: But how? Mufasa: Well, when I keep pushing my cock into you harder as I could & I give you some of my lion strength. Me: That explains that. (Then Sarabi barge in) Sarabi: Hey! (The both of us screamed & teeth chattering together while I'm holding Mufasa) I saw what you did to the boy, Mufasa! Mufasa:(He's teeth chattering while I'm still holding him) Like what, Sarabi? Sarabi: Don't play games with me, Mufasa. You know why I'm here now. Is that you were== Oh my lioness. Is that a human cock? (She's starting sucking my cock now while I'm still holding Mufasa & we're still teeth chattering) Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Me:(I'm blushing) What are you== Oh, whoa. Oh, oh, actually it's felt really good from you, Sarabi. Sarabi: Oh, quiet you. (She continues sucking my cock) Keep holding your Big Daddy while your Big Mommy sucking your cock, son. Mmm, so romantic. Mmm. (I move to set on the rock where Mufasa pound on me & Sarabi's still sucking my cock & I'm still holding Big Daddy Mufasa) (It's been 30 minutes since I was holding Mufasa & Sarabi's sucking my cock then we stopped now & I put down Mufasa from me holding him) (I took a 15 break & Sarabi came to me & she leans on me with her butt pointing at my face & she looking at my cock. She started sucking my cock while I'm licking her vulva for 30 minutes. After that, she let's me go & I go on my own to my new journey)