Anonymous4: i'm convinced that haruhi isn't the god in this story at all, and mikuru is proof. what chick in her right mind would WISH for a romantic rival with huge tits? not that haruhi's quite all there, but she's at least got presence enough NOT to wish up a submissive chick with enormous boobs when she's after one of the guys involved.
Anonymous6: @ anon4, she DID wish for Mikuru. Haruhi needed a moé character for her club. When Haruhi wished for her she didn't think about the repercussions. On one hand she's happy to have a moé character, and on the other she wants Kyon to like her over Mikuru. Haruhi's inner conflict is the most important part of the show.
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And then if she saw Mikuru come into school one day all flat-chested just because she wished it so, then imagine what else she'd start doing...
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