Anonymous15: FALLLLCONN PUUUUUNCH!!! *falcon punches Anonymous16 into the sun* I want her to carry the child to terms!^_^ Besides, has it ever occured to you people that facon punching her where the baby is might kill her!??? THAT'S EVIL!!!
Anonymous16(15): How about crushing a goron baby insid her? That would shread her insides! The gorn baby is probably more soft that the adults, anyway. Better that she carries it to term. Who knows... it just might be bor rolld up into a little ball, baking it easier on her when it's born... maybe...
LadyStardust: I wouldn't worry. A goron making sweet love to an elf chick would probably be similar to a gorilla making sweet love to a human woman, in that in both cases there would be no baybay because of incompatibility issues.
Anonymous17(15): Canon! This happened 5-6 years after the fall of Hyrule Castle. She went to Death Mountain to stay with the gorons for a time to learn everything she could of the goron fighting techniques and tactics. But she also found out that when a female enters their land, she must bear the child of a goron as a fee, because they are an all male race. 9 monthst after being taught this, Zelda than chose to disguse herself as a man and took up the name Sheik.
That's how all dads should teach their sons about sex. Buy them a hooker.