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TagsGardevoir, Impious, Leafeon, Lucario, Milotic, Mismagius, Porkyman, Weavile
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Info1250x1250 // 492KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: I would like it if all furries would die >_<
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queue: They will, eventually.

Wish granted?
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garchomp12345: Why is anon 1 looking at this if he doesn't like it?
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Anonymous2: Because he is a closet furry.
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Anonymous3: I think this is it?
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Yig: yes, gay and also furry
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Anonymous4: Not gay. No balls touching in this picture.

Nothing gay about a dick up your ass.
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Anonymous5: i was good till i saw the dick
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Anonymous6: why are they all super ripped?
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Anonymous7: Cuz' impious is pure awesomeness
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Anonymous8: Kinda ridiculous that there are fur bashers on here, you have to really seek this stuff out. Inferiority complex much?
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Anonymous9: too much muscle. and there dicks are small, but very wide :O but ya. needs less muscle... lol.
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Anonymous10: hot
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Anonymous11(10): I love the look of lucario's dick
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Anonymous12: WHAT? MILOTIC?
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Anonymous13(10): ano11: so do I
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Guy12: Why do people look at this if they don't like it. If you don't like dicks then feck off to the hentai section of 4chan!
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Danwolf: This picture is HOT ! ^^ Looks like the white wolf got birthday party X3
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Anonymous14: Yay! A male milotic! 8D
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Anonymous15: ...looking at the pic for too long gets disturbing, but its great!
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Anonymous16: Weavile! weavile! weavile!
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Anonymous17(16): what if someone at the factory were to put pictures of these inside the game boxes.....
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Gothzilla: Either lucario is floating or he has milotic's finger up his ass.

Also, that is the only gardevoir that I have ever found hot.
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Anonymous18: i would love to fuck any of these Porkyman
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Anonymous19: I would want Lucario fucking my ass, Mismagius sucking my dick & Weavile fucking my throat. Yep. That's my dream :)
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Anonymous20: how did he draw this anyway? it doesnt look like pencil or marker markings
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Anonymous21: A) Why does everyone have the same dick except Lucario? Fucking cone-penis.
B) Fucking fursonas have all the fun.
C) Anon 5, how did you miss the dick? It's kind of... all over.
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Anonymous22: moar like milodick.
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Anonymous23: is THIS what happens at a gay adult birthday party?!
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Dagg: omg...a male milotic...with feet!
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Rebdulls: That is one sexy Mismagius :P
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Anonymous24: some Porkyman here are to girly to be men me O.o like milotic and mismagius and leafeon and gardervoir..yet impious made it happen :o
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Anonymous25(24): anon4 balls dont have to be touching to be gay -.-' why do retards always think that?
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Anonymous26: ........-_-¨
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Anonymous27: SOO HOT
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Anonymous28: Anonymous5 dicks were clearly seen on the thumb from a mile. u just clicked it for dicks

anon25 you must be new here

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