Anonymous9: Kaminoans society is basically Hitler's dream of a perfect world. Totally obsessed with genetic purity and strength they would kill entire batches of clones if just one didn't conform completely with what they wanted. Social standing was dictated at birth and denoted by eye color. Gray eyed individuals handled administration, yellow eyes handled the skilled work and blue eyes performed manual labor and other menial tasks. Any individual born without one of these colors was killed. Read the Republic Commando books (Hard Contact, Triple Zero, True Colors, Order 66) to get an appropriate loathing for these amoral things.
Anonymous13: Wait a minute... Wait a fu*king minute... 3 fingers, and 2 toes... Eyes that can see Black light... Pale skin... Long neck... Almost like a... A Quarian from MASS EFFECT!!! Now I know what my type of girl is...
Enjoy the porn and gtfo.
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