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TagsHGT, Hit-Girl, Kick-Ass, Marvel
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info2000x2500 // 1.7MB // png
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virtuoso: Reposted in non-gigantic size.

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Anonymous1: a cute Loli drawing of hitgirl....
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Anonymous2(1): a cute drawing of hitgirl....
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Anonymous3(1): a drawing of hitgirl....
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Anonymous4: a drawing...
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Anonymous5: drawing....
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Anonymous6: So we have two half-ass, shitty drawings of hit girl. I would've rather had neither.
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Anonymous7: lol wut is that is that a tail???
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Titanium: Gigantic is better
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Anonymous8: Titanium doesn't travel anywhere without a spare tire...
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ArthurPhilipDent: A7: That's the shredded remains of her panties, I believe.
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Anonymous9: Auto fail for mustache pubes. Hair could be better too...and mouth...and hands, and pus- oh fuck it! Why do you think this is good?!
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virtuoso: Correct, it is shredded panties. They will be removed in the final version, based on feedback.
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craggle: i don't know if they need to be removed... if you make the final version in color i don't think you'll have any problems with it.
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xe: I thought it was shredded panties when I saw it...only 10 year olds would see that as a mustache. Hair and mouth look great, don't listen to the haters. :) Pussy looks mighty fine too, much better than Hentai-Sweetie's Hit Girl picture!
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Anonymous10(9): xe: So in other words you think incorrectly done moe hair looks good and you're a virgin boy which would explain why the vagina looks good to you having never seen a real one? I can tell you for a fact pussies don't have eyeballs in them.
Speaking of 10-year-olds, you'd have to be one to think just by signing off your account and posting a troll comment on my Hit-Girl picture as "anonymous" after you said this I wouldn't know it was you, fucktard.
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craggle: wow, somebody's butthurt about getting a negative comment.
btw, just looked at your pic. this is better, even if it is sketchy as hell.

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