Anonymous3: When I saw the thumbnail of this one I flashed on; "Wouldn't it be cool if people were watching the tape on a ceiling mounted TV in a bar & Sadako got busted up doing a face plant 8 feet down into the concrete floor?"
Anonymous5(4): Anon3, yes, yes it would be. It would be even funnier if she was rendered unconscious. Use your imagination to think up what happens next!
Anonymous6: Evil Lord Proteus took the words right out of my mouth. What the FUCK is going on here?? What's up with the red guy holding a skull? And why is that guy ripping off his shirt? My brain is full of fuck.
Anonymous9: Surprised not very many people get it. The red guy is his like inner sexual demon and his desire to fuck the living shit out of her is so powerful that her evil/demonic-ness is crushes like nothing. Then the last panel is him overflowing with sexual rage.
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She wants to kill you? FUCK THAT GHOST!
she's running away from the weird folk