Anonymous19: Yeah A17 but fir the horniness of all the people who see this pick and for the people who make it there has to be jizz dripping. No rule 34 pic would be complete without a cumshot stuck in somewhere
estoyloco: i like how you furries say there arent any movies made for you and when there's finally one you say its too furry for you and hate it lol dan you ware way stranger than every one else
Anonymous24: never doubt the efficiency of a furry wielding the power of rule 34 when these types of movies are announced....and probably before with a good press leak.
Anonymous27: When I saw the trailer, I thought just like some of the other anons. R34's done it already. As for pron, in the trailer, that white wolf with the hair and bubbly appearance must be 34'd NAO!
estoyloco: lazarus there where no furries watching this they even didnt like this thing. and unless there was a theater owned by playboy i dont think with all they kids. if any furry went in there they wouldn't do it to get in jail
estoyloco: anon 16 furries are not into animals or not real ones only the ones made by other furries only zoo's are into real animals and no one even cares to go troll them lol
Anonymous28: Just saw this online, wont post the link, as I don't know this sites policy on such things, and I have to say the movie was actually quite tame and non sexual. People are into strange thing's I bet their is just as much "rule 34" on star fox, sonic, Zelda, and hell if you look deep enough probably even the thing porn.
Anonymous31: a29, keep up the good work sport, you'll fit in someday... maybe... i wouldn't get your hopes up. actually there is no hope for you, but keep at it anyway, it will amuse the other anons.
Anonymous41: it wasnt a furry movie im a furry everyone thought it would be like the other god awful movies actually it was a newer version of balto wasnt bad yeah there was like one sexual phrase nothing else
Anonymous44: the only thing i found to be furry was EVERYTHING and anon 5 ur the dumbass he is saying rule 34 doesnt exist yet even tho it does, cuz im fuckin lookin at it right now!!!
Anonymous49: (laughs) know something the difference between you and me is that you like human women encambio ami kate wolf I like the human women that I hate wings
tyciol: > a movie shouldn't be considered a furry movie for having animals who fall in love
This isn't exactly lady and the tramp though.
Furry labels are probably somewhat influenced by sequences like this in the film:
Keep in mind that the movie also constantly uses "howling" as a euphamism for mating. "She's an Alpha, she's off limits, we can eat together but we can't -howl- together, if you know what I mean". Kate is put off by the mate chosen for her having a bad howl, for example.
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They're sooo hot ;)
P.S, if they're knotted, it's bot possible for enough cum to dr put to make a puddle...
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*btw this movie rocks :)
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Before gay porn was called gay it was called blasphemy.
Before animal based movies were called furry movies they were simply called movies.
Fuck society bro.
As for the people who actually enjoy this image, well... theres billions of people on earth so there's bound to be a few overdue abortions.
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Before gay porn was called gay it was called blasphemy.
Before animal based movies were called furry movies they were simply called movies.
Fuck society bro.
As for the people who actually enjoy this image, well... theres billions of people on earth so there's bound to be a few overdue abortions"
Anon 39 wins
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This isn't exactly lady and the tramp though.
Furry labels are probably somewhat influenced by sequences like this in the film:
Keep in mind that the movie also constantly uses "howling" as a euphamism for mating. "She's an Alpha, she's off limits, we can eat together but we can't -howl- together, if you know what I mean". Kate is put off by the mate chosen for her having a bad howl, for example.