Anonymous2: I've heard of censored genitalia, but censored nipples tempt me to facepalm with such force that my head will explode.
If they don't want people ogling the good bits of this picture, why bother with THAT type of censor?! Why not just use the annoying-yet-tried-and-true black bar(s)???!
This type of censoring, for THAT specific body part, is... It's... Just, STUPID!
Anonymous3: anon1 lity look like short stacks, they just flipped the shit up with this game and desired to change it up a bit because they wanted a more human cute one.
If they don't want people ogling the good bits of this picture, why bother with THAT type of censor?! Why not just use the annoying-yet-tried-and-true black bar(s)???!
This type of censoring, for THAT specific body part, is... It's... Just, STUPID!