Anonymous4: hate to sound homo-old, but if you want good anime, go with some 90's stuff. Ghost in the shell, cowboy bebop, Akira, Escaflowne, THAT, son, is what its about
Anonymous6(2): Naruto and evangelion are cancer
anon4 things are good
If you want epic things, mechas are the deal, TTGL (as anon1 sez), GAOGAIGAR, Mazinkaiser, Shin Getter Robo, Gunbuster, Diebuster, Macross, Big O, Z Gundam (Ignore allother gundams, only Z is kwl, Wing and Seed are cancer)
Evangelion is just a shit about emos with shitty "robots" (You can't say that those shit are robots), Gaogaigar would pwn all evas and angels with his goldion crusher.
Anonymous7: okay fuck all of you naruto is one of the best animes in the world. just because the first 5 episodes or so aren't so exciting it doesn't mean the whole thing sucks. but then again I know it's not "female 2nd level cursed seal Sauce Gay" but a dark elf. it still doesn't make this picture any better since it randomly has Sakura from Naruto Shippuden in it...
Anonymous13: FLCL random shit but pretty amusing. Naruto had potential but turned into a shitty clusterfuck of cliches. as to 6, not everyone is into mecha. The only mechas i ever liked were Gundam Wing and Big O. 4 named nothing but awesomeness tho. Now back to fapping
It's a drow, a dark elf from D&D you ignorant asshole
Damn Narutards... that stupid anime is fucking shit, watch something epic instead, like Gurren Lagann, bitch
anon4 things are good
If you want epic things, mechas are the deal, TTGL (as anon1 sez), GAOGAIGAR, Mazinkaiser, Shin Getter Robo, Gunbuster, Diebuster, Macross, Big O, Z Gundam (Ignore allother gundams, only Z is kwl, Wing and Seed are cancer)
Evangelion is just a shit about emos with shitty "robots" (You can't say that those shit are robots), Gaogaigar would pwn all evas and angels with his goldion crusher.
nuff said.
Dude, they're all fucking emos.