Anonymous14: She looks like shes obligated to do this, her face is that of, "Can take this wig off?" and "This green ink is really irritating the cuts on my thighs." -__-
Anonymous15: Actually the cuts are cat scratches, I took the picture and the model is my fiancee, our cat jumped on her leg and clawed her about an hour before the shoot.
Anonymous16: my first reaction was that she cuts herself, but looking closely, they do resemble the shape of cat scratches. self inflicted cuts would tend to be uniform in thickness since cutters use stuff like utility knives or razors
Anonymous17: ^Hmm...makes sense. But still, the odds that you really are the photographer and that she is really your fiancee seem pretty slim. Also, honestly, the green makeup (or whatever it is) could have been done better. She seriously looks kinda dead.
God only knows how real men look nothing like those glammed up, petite, make-up filled, skinny bitches in current pop culture (e.g. Twilight)
Really, seriously? I can understand you saying that she's not hot, but this... do you live in a desert island or something?
Although, if she let, I'd still suck them tenderly <3
Big turn off