Anonymous1: If it’s only the Mayor that uses her than who in the heck is he playing tic-tac-toe against? Himself? Bellum? Did she get into a game with him during or after and write on herself?
I know public stall graffiti level body writing is pretty dumb in general and we’re dealing with one of the dimmest bulbs in Townsville here but that feels like wasted space. Just write some other random crap like Vote Mayor or Head of Office.
Anonymous2: As hot as the image is the hottest part is the thought that that's the lingerie she regularly wears to work. It's the little details that make great art.
I know public stall graffiti level body writing is pretty dumb in general and we’re dealing with one of the dimmest bulbs in Townsville here but that feels like wasted space. Just write some other random crap like Vote Mayor or Head of Office.