Anonymous1: Staples I don't give a fuck who you are just quit fucking posting your fucking sick goddamn pictures of girls taking a shit. It's not hot it's not sexy it's just fucking wrong and I'm tired of almost throwing up while on this site. so fuck you
you fucking piece of shit and never post here again you fucking son-of-a-bitch!
Anonymous3: Go Staples! Woo! Continue with your awesome work. And if any idiot is puking cause of this, I'd suggest SWAP.AVI or fetishbrazil to REALLY toughen his pussy stomach.
Ericon_IX: Never mind, I'll save you the trouble: If he posted scat and enjoyed scat and told staples to stop posting scat, he'd be a hypocrite. Liking one sick fetish and not another isn't hypocrisy, it's their preference.
Anonymous5: He has been shopping images from doujins and its becoming annoying it almost like spam and it the same artist some of the pics just have the artist for tags not much effort seems like spaming but i'm not sure.
Anonymous6: its hypocrisy.. doesn't matter what your preference is ..if you are for censorship of someones kink then you have to give up your own as well.
Anonymous8: woha ! another Pooping picture ! Must be some kind of fetish . Oo I hope this turns u on more then it does to me . COS IT DOESNT DO NOTHING !!!
you fucking piece of shit and never post here again you fucking son-of-a-bitch!
Yes it is, just a rule 34 version of it. I actually have to say, given the context of the episode this makes a lot of sense.
Yep. It's that one where Yoshikawa and Onizuka spank and humiliate the girls in their karaoke room after school for bullying. Plus poo.
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