Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderSonofX51, June 26, 2010; 20:48TagsBP, Goatse, logo, memeSource // 15KB // jpg June 26, 2010; 20:53 - Reply Anonymous1: Courtesy of June 26, 2010; 21:04 - Reply Anonymous2: Brilliant. June 26, 2010; 21:05 - Reply Anonymous3: *shoves cock in* June 26, 2010; 21:08 - Reply CM672: Needs more 'hope and change' June 26, 2010; 21:11 - Reply Anonymous4: notporn much? June 26, 2010; 21:13 - Reply Anonymous5: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA June 26, 2010; 21:14 - Reply Anonymous6: FEATURE June 26, 2010; 21:29 - Reply Anonymous7: And, exactly HOW is this porn? June 26, 2010; 21:31 - Reply muraebraun: In after Anon4/7 doesn't get the joke and therefore does not see the porn. June 26, 2010; 21:51 - Reply Anonymous8: fuck BP !!! BP IS FAKE AND UBER GAY! June 26, 2010; 22:36 - Reply Anonymous9: Ha.Ha.HA. Goddammit I think I just died a little inside. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN FOR ME! June 26, 2010; 22:43 - Reply Anonymous10: This should be featured! Also, thanks a lot global warming alarmist retards who thought that it was good sense to whitewash a company's oil safety record so that they would be on board with your carbon rationing scheme. June 26, 2010; 22:46 - Reply Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: Ecofag is ecofag. Also, inb4 (and after) Titanium uses bold font to write 'Feature!'. June 26, 2010; 22:49 - Reply Krawczyk: NOT FEATURED doh ho ho June 26, 2010; 23:56 - Reply duckpenisexpert: *opens umbrella* It's about to get hella messy in hurr. June 27, 2010; 00:13 - Reply Anonymous11: FEATURE! plz? June 27, 2010; 00:14 - Reply Anonymous12: WHERES YOUR GOD NOW BP!?@? June 27, 2010; 04:39 - Reply Anonymous13: Just wait, there's going to be an oil spill from it. ... I mean it's going to take a shit. June 27, 2010; 14:44 - Reply d_average: Haha, now we just need to find a jar (to contain teh oilz)... Continues the *Feature motion. June 27, 2010; 19:51 - Reply SonofX51: Whoa, people find this lolzy? Find I also motion a feature. July 2, 2010; 11:14 - Reply robthenine: if you stick you cock in your cock might get oily August 23, 2010; 06:33 - Reply Anonymous14: I see. So they're implying BP are assholes. They should died. August 23, 2010; 06:50 - Reply Anonymous15: @duck, give me one of those, hurry! xD August 31, 2010; 13:09 - Reply Anonymous16: *.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.*.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.*.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.* g...............................................g o./.....\.............\............/....\.......o a|.......|.............\..........|......|......a t|.......`..............|.........|.......:.....t s`........|.............|........\|.......|.....s e.\.......|./......./..\\\...--__.\\.......:....e x..\......\/..._--~~..........~--__|.\.....|....x *...\......\_-~....................~-_\....|....* g....\_.....\........_.--------.______\|...|....g o......\.....\______//._.___._.(_(__;..\...|....o a.......\......C.___)..______.(_(____;..|../....a t......./\.|...C.____)/......\.(_____;..|_/.....t s.....././\|...C______)..()....(___;...|...\....s e.....|...(..._C_____)\______/..//._/./.....\...e x.....|....\..|__...\\_________//.(__/.......|..x *....|.\....\____)...`----...--'.............|..* g....|..\_..........___\......./_.........._/.|.g o...|............../....|.....|..\............|.o a...|.............|..../.......\..\...........|.a t...|.........././....|.........|..\...........|t s...|........././......\__/\___/....|..........|s e..|........././........|....|.......|.........|e x..|..........|.........|....|.......|.........|x *.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.*.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.*.g.o.a.t.s.e.x.* September 6, 2010; 02:02 - Reply DJR_1989: ^ | ROFL that's a funny ASCII Art picture October 12, 2010; 03:17 - Reply Anonymous17: Appropriate. Very very appropriate. December 29, 2010; 03:35 - Reply Anonymous18: DAMIT, BP, GO AWAY! January 20, 2011; 22:02 - Reply Fara_Phoenix: BP - Bitch Please. September 19, 2011; 03:55 - Reply Anonymous19: @Fara_Phoenix, you win one internet. Report an ad?
Goddammit I think I just died a little inside. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN FOR ME!
Also, thanks a lot global warming alarmist retards who thought that it was good sense to whitewash a company's oil safety record so that they would be on board with your carbon rationing scheme.
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Also, inb4 (and after) Titanium uses bold font to write 'Feature!'.
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doh ho ho
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I mean it's going to take a shit.
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Continues the *Feature motion.
They should died.
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ROFL that's a funny ASCII Art picture
Very very appropriate.
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