Anonymous3: Let' see... six hands, three pussies, three assholes, three moths, and three nice pairs of tits, all naked and ready for you... and you want feet. FEET. I will never, ever understand that shit. Never.
Anonymous4(3): Let's see... six hands, three pussies, three assholes, three mouths, and three nice pairs of tits, all naked and ready for you... and you want feet. FEET. I will never, ever understand that shit. Never.
Htoonlover: replace the middle with Jenny and you've got yourself something great! until then you've just got a shit sandwhich between two steamy hot buns.
Anonymous7(2): well duh anon 3 & 4,course there body is friken hot,but there feet are hot to you know,it's not like if there feet where cut off it would be hot,course not,the feet has to come complete with the body as well,i mean would you fuck a girl without any feet? that would be
janucrio: Id get there grab both Jesse and Nurse Joy, get to a love hotel, and use the phone there to tell Luanne´s husband that she´s been cheating on him.
Anonymous12: anon 3&4 you've said the same thing for like 3 tenzen's foot fetish pics now. Why the fuck do you keep looking at them then? You're either some sort of self-hating foot fetishist or you've got far too much time on your hands...
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I will never, ever understand that shit. Never.
I will never, ever understand that shit. Never.
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first feet, then vag, then mouth, then feet, and repeat
Me Fap.
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Poink I know Its the one on the right because she's BLUSHING NARF!
Anonymous5 is a metabolic transvestite NARF
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