Anonymous4: there suppost to ( the chick ) lure any uncorupted or none chaos folk to there untimly death , she was going to have fub untill she found out that this appears to be a plague marine so his plumbing dont work to well
Anonymous7: Anon6: it's the price for immortality, basically. nurgle is the god of despair, but he is also a protector. basically people who are afraid to die follow him
Anonymous9: Tbh, this looks more like the nurgling is pining after the plague marine, as much I guess by the smiley in the speech bubble... I can't be the only one to realise that
Anonymous10: There are no Plaguebearers in this picture. Judging from her freaky feet, and his Nurgle medallion (or chestmark), it looks more like a Daemonette trying to score with a Nurgle Marine.
I would have said Noise Marine at first, tho, since he's yelling a lot..
Hatred_27: But he lacks his awesome axe guitar of destruction.
No axe guitar = no noise marine.
I think the elephant in the room here is the part where she's suggesting going down to the 'piss lake.' Um... wtf? Is that code or a real lake made of piss? And what would you do there? Is it romantic to be so close to a foul-smelling cesspool or is the goal to add add your contribution? Seriously, I bet Slaneesh's bunch don't have to put up with this shit...
Anonymous11: Jesus christ, why are you so stupid, people? >.> It's a nurglette asking marine for a romantic date at the piss lake but going too shy(hence the blushing face in her text cloud). Geez, Y U SO STUPID?
Eipok_Kruden: ^Exactly. I mean for fucks sake, the Marine has the symbol of Nurgle on his chest and the chick is asking him out TO A PISS LAKE. How can any part of this pic NOT be Nurgle? Stupid people :(
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Why do they follow him??
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I would have said Noise Marine at first, tho, since he's yelling a lot..
No axe guitar = no noise marine.
I think the elephant in the room here is the part where she's suggesting going down to the 'piss lake.' Um... wtf? Is that code or a real lake made of piss? And what would you do there? Is it romantic to be so close to a foul-smelling cesspool or is the goal to add add your contribution? Seriously, I bet Slaneesh's bunch don't have to put up with this shit...
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Anyway, the pic is absolutely hilarious.