Anonymous1: chup the anser is simple... bioware is scared shitless of fox news since ME1 hit and therefore takes it out on there fans but refusing to show even so much as breasts like the rest of the gaming industry who actually do make "mature games for mature players" unlike bioware who just talks a great game but never delivers. that's why the clones had bodysuits.
Chupacabra555: Because of the quality of the game, I can forgive their slight oversight this time.
It would be nice, though, if they made some kind of content that caters to the older crowd, even if its downloadable content only that requires some kind of age verification to get it (doubt it will happen, though)
Anonymous2: see the thing i hate about bioware... if they read that they'd say.. what do you mean? our games do cater to an older crowd.... there so fuckin clueless it's almost sad. but i love there games with a passion so i forgive them for blueballing us loyal fans.
Anonymous3: They're from an entirely different mentality. One that says that sex is puerile and interesting (only) to the immature.
I do agree to an extent, that adding nudity and/or sex to a game that's not at all about it doesn't add much except some controversy. What I'd really like to see them do a hell of a lot better is give you *real* options as far as relationships. There's a reason why BioWare games always stop right at the consummation stage of a "romance." 'Cause after that, shit starts to get real.
Except characters that actually care about each other and have a relationship is actually hot (assuming you like/care about the characters.) The biggest sex organ in the body is the brain.
Anonymous4(2): ya but after you seal the deal it does'nt effect the game at all.there was an article about this in x-box magizne like 2 months ago... after the sex..or blueballing...what then? anser..nothing.if there was consequences..real consequences to the relationships i could forgive the lack of nudity.expample ME2 the last misson.. if you send your gf or bf to die do they say "what are you doing? i thought you love me!" all i'm saying in a nutshell is... if your not gonna show the goods... make the reason way worth it...
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I always wondered why the clone was made wearing a bodysuit, since it wasn't a part of her body she should have been dropped out nude ^_^
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It would be nice, though, if they made some kind of content that caters to the older crowd, even if its downloadable content only that requires some kind of age verification to get it (doubt it will happen, though)
I do agree to an extent, that adding nudity and/or sex to a game that's not at all about it doesn't add much except some controversy. What I'd really like to see them do a hell of a lot better is give you *real* options as far as relationships. There's a reason why BioWare games always stop right at the consummation stage of a "romance." 'Cause after that, shit starts to get real.
Except characters that actually care about each other and have a relationship is actually hot (assuming you like/care about the characters.) The biggest sex organ in the body is the brain.